Keeping Your Memory Young With Salad

Eating a little bit of salad every day might help to keep your memory younger.
They found that only half a cup of salad or leafy greens was sufficient enough to slow the rate of brain aging.

Those who were found to be in the top category, reported consuming 1.3 servings of salad or leafy green vegetables every day.
Researchers aren't sure which nutrients might be specifically responsible, buy they suggest that adding a portion of salad or green vegetables is a very easy way that some people can make an adjustment to try and preserve their mental faculty in old age.
It is possible for the brain to age slower or faster than our chronological age. Not only do we have a biological age, but scientists also suggest that we have a chronological age and that this is how some of our bodies might appear to be younger or older than our actual age. To assess that age, scientists look at specific biomarkers in order to determine the age. In other words, you might be 80 years old but feel and look a lot younger both on the inside and out.
Previous research also indicates that the Mediterranean diet, which includes a lot of salad, might also be linked to preserving memory. As well, other studies looking into the benefits of leafy green vegetables have also found that consuming them regularly can help to keep your mental abilities sharp. This includes eating things like mustard greens, collards, kale, and spinach. It's suggested that consuming these regularly might play a big role in helping to slow cognitive decline.
The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.
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That is pretty amazing , I never knew salad has benefits on the brain as well. I thought it was only health wise . But I have to start eating healthy, I was just talking about how I want to pick up some berries and stuff today to eat healthier
I put an assortment of berries in my morning shake every day. SO delicious! Definitely go get some :)
Excellent! Healthy options are the best! Congratulations and happy New Years!
same to you:)
I will be trying this, starting a healthy eating plan next week so might as well try and slow my brain aging :)
excellent post dear friend @doitvoluntarily, a good way to start the new year with a healthy information.
Happy year dear friend. I wish you receive happiness, peace and prosperity for you and all yours
thanks for posting this - greens are so easy to incorporate, as long as you have access to them.
It's good to eat on moring
First I would like to wish you a happy new year! second I would like to thank you for sharing your experiences, recipies and stories, because they help a lot all new steemians like me, who want to grow and reach your level of quality. Today is not a salad day :)
Great info. It’s important to you vegetables and food that is not packaged. Probably nothing but the best for 2018!
Very good post my friend,,, mr. @jlufer How do i get lots of votes?
Great knowledge! I will definitely be incorporating more salad into my diet in the new year. Feel free to read my recent post about the benefits of fiber :)