Glutes, Hamstrings and 50+ Pushups
Today's fantastic leg day consisted of a fast pace and high reps. It was a combo of cardio meets leg day. And because I want to keep my count increasing for @notorius562 s #50pushupchallenge, I'm back with 68 pushups!! I was just short by 5 squats for the #50squatchallenge but I didn't want to burn my legs out too much for the rest of the workout.
I have GIFs for today for most of the exercises:
Kind of a basic squat but with a little upper body feel. Instead of holding dumbbells at your side, the weight stays in front of you and you hold it like a goblet (turning for the camera is optional 😄)
Holding a goblet but don't hold it over your head... lol Congrats to the Washington Capitals 2018 Stanley Cup Winners
3 sets of 12 pushups were supersetted with the goblet squats
Band Side Raises... these were a lot more resistance than I anticipated... but I did it anyways.
1 set of 12 and 2 sets of 10 supersetted with the above
Single Leg Leg Press
Side lunge supersetted with above
Great workout! I still need to figure out how you do the live photos. Any who you did a great job and I am glad you completed both challenges. Keep up the great work.
Thanks!!! If you have an android (I have a Galaxy S8+)while you're watching the video there's a GIF button. When you click it, it give you the option of how long you want your GIF to be. Its a really cool function I stumbled across!

I have an Iphone 6s plus. Such a cool function. I'll look into it maybe an app can do this. Thanks for the information. I hope all is well.