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RE: Where the Writing Comes From

in #fiction7 years ago

there are two kinds of writers
plotters...who spend hours and hours, days and weeks? plotting out the exact detail..writing outlines..
Pantsters...who write by the seat of their pants (discovery writers)
I'm a pantster...I have NO idea what's going to happen...I have to write it in order to find out.


You just let it all out on paper? I can see that. Nice post/reply.

not paper...geez...can you imagine writing on PAPER?
I write a word...erase it...change the wording...write a paragraph or a chapter...wash, rinse, repeat. I use the stalagmite method ( I drip on grows)...i and add...(erase some..) read...write some more...(erase some)
can you imagine doing that on paper?
right latest work "Q" is 83K words and counting...I expect I'm half done.

stresses me out just thinking about it. My handwriting is TERRIBLE