Where the Writing Comes From

in #fiction7 years ago

  • ‘Many people want to be authors. They crave the adulation of fans, going to cons, signing books, being able to work in their bathrobe and getting checks in the mail. Few people really want to be writers. Writers are miserable people who spend most of their time alone, have poor relations with their families and live in other worlds because this one doesn’t work for them. But to be an author you have to be a writer first.’ (Paraphrase of Lois Bujold.)

excellent short essay by John Ringo


"Writers are miserable people who spend most of their time alone" You? Ive read that some people would greatly agree. You should write more about your processes and how you go about the whole thing from planning to getting it on paper (or word processor). It would be interesting.

there are two kinds of writers
plotters...who spend hours and hours, days and weeks? plotting out the story...in exact detail..writing outlines..
Pantsters...who write by the seat of their pants (discovery writers)
I'm a pantster...I have NO idea what's going to happen...I have to write it in order to find out.

You just let it all out on paper? I can see that. Nice post/reply.

not paper...geez...can you imagine writing on PAPER?
I write a word...erase it...change the wording...write a paragraph or a chapter...wash, rinse, repeat. I use the stalagmite method ( I drip on it...it grows)...i write..read and add...(erase some..)...re read...write some more...(erase some)
can you imagine doing that on paper?
right now...my latest work "Q" is 83K words and counting...I expect I'm half done.

stresses me out just thinking about it. My handwriting is TERRIBLE

That was me all night last night writing my life story for my latest post. But that feeling when it was done, and then to see that people enjoyed it. Well worth it, and i am no writer.
Nice post

Ok i admit, that was a half arsed attempt to get a writer to read my latest post, but the truth is i value your opinion everittdmickey. Not after votes or resteem just a writers opinion. I never went to school and i'm self taught, but i'm really enjoying writing. See what u think all i want is your opinion. Thanks my fellow trucker

Until you start writing for the shear fun of it, with no hope of ever making a dime, writing will be a thankless, payless job. Now I write with no expectation that anyone will even read my words. May end up that only writers will appreciate other writers, keep tapping away!

Good point... To paraphrase Heinlein: Writing is a dirty business that should be done late at night when you're all alone and ALWAYS wash your hands when you're done! I write to excise my demons!

I'm a writer.
an author?...no so much.
I'm 180 degree out of phase with the world
I stay up all night...sleep all day.
I spend a few hours every night...alone on the patio ...smoking a ceegar...and thinking.

Sometimes I write.
(mostly on Steemit lately it seems)