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RE: Focus on Being a Good-Enough Parent and Not a Perfect One

in #family7 years ago

Hadn't noticed that now days parents are even more protective. We have alot of helicopter parents nowdays
I suppose many of the children are not growing up to experience the toughness of the world incase it ever became so.
Actually nowdays here in Uganda Africa many sons and daughters take a very long time before leaving their parents homes after graduation not like those days when sons left their parents home to face the world when it was early enough.
Thanks for this one, I think good parenting is much better than perfect parenting.
Considering the fact that we are all humans who make mistakes.


True, I do hear that a few men are still not leaving home even when they are in their 30's! They say it is because life is too expensive, but I think there is something else. I mean, if it was just money why not have a roommate or two to splot expenses with?

I think it is because these men are too scared to be without mommy.