The Old Dog Explores: Ridiculous Public Trash Bins! What Do They Really Mean?
The other day I was confronted with a few trash bins with ridiculously small openings! It didn't take me long to understand why they were designed this way and the reason is disturbing!
This Is What I Was Confronted With!
There seems to be a world wide trend to make the openings in public garbage bins smaller and smaller!
This public trash bin in Lugano has a ridiculously small opening. No more practicing your basketball shot!
This opening seems gaping by comparison! The upper opening is for cigarette butts!
What Is The Reason For This?
- Authorities are hoping that the change in design will discourage the population from putting larger items in, on or around the bins!
- In Ticino, residents must put garbage out in specially printed bags that can cost up to $5.00 for the large ones. People then try and save money by disposing of their trash in public garbage bins. The small opening stops this practice.
Part of a World Wide Phenomena?
While doing some research for this post I came across an article which explained what they are doing in Hong Kong.
The first phase of the plan by the The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department in Hong Kong was to replace 800 public bins with new ones that had openings which are about 50% smaller!
Not everyone was impressed. Ah Sum, who works collecting the trash said: " It's useless. The smaller openings just mean people will throw their rubbish around the bin.” He should probably know because he works in the field every day!
Likely You've Seen This Type of Thing Before! Very Sad Indeed!
This image from is an all too familiar sight!
What Do You Think?
- Do smaller openings help things or make them worse?
- What other solutions could there be?
- Is there a lot of littering where you live?
- How can we possibly win this war on trash?
I hope that you found this article on Ridiculous Public Trash Bins interesting!
Until next time,
@kus-knee (The Old Dog)
Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!
our public bins :D
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THX Old One! I appreciate that bone. (My dog too ;))
Normal is nice!
"There must be some kinda way out of here
Said the Joker to the Thief
There's too much confusion
I can't get no relief."
Of all the versions of that song to choose... why the Lenny Kravitz/Clapton one?
Well, I was actually looking for a good Dylan one. But the first three I listened to were lousy, and the fourth one I listened to was this one. By then I was running out of time to spend on expressing a passing emotion invoked in me by kus-knee's post. So I settled.
No judgement, was just curious. I was expecting Dylan or at least Hendrix and wanted to see the thought process. Settling for the mediocre is something I am quite familiar with :)
I like it! Awesome version and variety is the spice of life. I've heard both Hendrick's and Dylan's versions 100 times. First time with that one!
Great tune! Thanks for the listen!
The only thinking on the subject that I thought would get anywhere was unfortunately going in a dangerous direction. The writer proposed that a company be responsible for the entire product--including the wrapping--from the moment of manufacture until the eventual destruction of every part of the product. That would make McDonald's responsible for the wrapper of the Big Mac as well as the sandwich. Sounds good in theory, but in practice the problem is that we as consumers would own nothing. If the company is responsible for the packaging, even after we've bought it, then the corporation could dictate everything we do with that product. I know I don't want 3M in my house telling me what I can do with my duct tape, or Charmin telling me I can't use their cardboard toilet rolls to start seedlings in the spring (which works great, incidentally).
There are certainly problems with our packaging (which is most of the trash we collect), but I haven't ever heard a good solution for it. Theoretically, I suppose a municipality could impose a fee on companies that sell products in the city, a disposal/waste fee, but in practical terms that is never going to work. We're just going to have to find creative ways to dispose of our waste, ways that are much more efficient than the recycling programs we have now. There's been some progress there, fortunately.
Good post.
Great comment thanks for your points!
Clean hands require clean hands.
Quoted by Mihailo Drahomanov (1878)
Thanks for the quote!
People will do a lot of things to save a few bucks!
The trash cans haven't been replaced here yet, but there is a growing trend of having to pay per load of trash you offer, instead of your dumpsters being emptied for free.
I'm not sure this is a good thing, because people will just find other (less friendly) ways to dump their trash. Add it to their neighbour's bin, dump it in nature or, in your example, next to trash bins.
I think local authorities should encourage people to offer their trash to be taken in by them, not discourage it. We're already splitting our trash more and more, meaning we can recycle a lot. the local authorities can sell the recycled trash, so why make us pay extra? It just means more littering, which isn't good for anyone.
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Aww thank you! That is very kind :-)
Good observation!
Ah ah ah .... molto interessante l'argomento! Produciamo tanta di quella spazzatura! Però è anche vero che stiamo imparando a riciclare : prima ci hanno spinto a consumare, consumare e comprare e adesso dobbiamo limitare i nostri rifiuti. Sono le delizie e le contraddizioni dei tempi moderni...
Hai ragione! Mi da molto festidio quando la gente butta per terra i rifiuti.
Their motivation is clear: trash bin does not look very aesthetically pleasing when you can see everything inside of her. Besides a small opening in it must motivate the person to come closer, to throw their garbage and not to play basketball. Probably, wanted as better, and it turned out as always.
Yes, a problem if our modern age!
Try going into settings and pick a nice avatar for yourself. I just checked your blog and I'm happy to read that you post original content.
Done! I should have done this earlier. I just didn't know how to make the link to the image, I had to take one from Facebook
Very nice.. I like it!!!!
The problem where I live is with "Dumpster Divers "they are relentless ! 24/7 Diveing into our garbage bin which is located right by my car. One day i found my passenger side mirror broken and hanging down. Sometimes they leave a mess all around too. They should at least be courteous enough to be careful of others property and dont leave a mess. Thanks.😊 Great post ! 👍👍👍
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Awesome thanks so much !! I have been busy without much time for commenting ! LOL but when I get a chance , I try to catch up ! Steem on my friend !😊 did you see my 800 followers post !! Thanks for being one of them ! Heres the link if you want to check it out !
What are they diving for? Maybe it's bears!
Theres alot of homeless people in Kelowna theres 0 percent vacancy which also makes the rents very high ! So the dumpster divers are mostly looking for food , clothes , and empties ! 😊
I have witnessed a lot of people throwing random trash in different containers although it is clearly marked in different colors.

Also, the opening is small so there is sweat and effort involved when I handle plastic containers :)
Yes good points and image! I recently weaned myself off of bottled water to cut down on some of the plastic wasted. I bought a filter.