On why we need Zorba the Buddha now more than ever...

in #enlightenment7 years ago (edited)

'Zorba the Buddha' was Osho's vision of a new human who experiences sensuous and spiritual traits in equal measure.


Across the ages, major religious institutions such as Christianity and Judaism have exacted submissiveness, austere asceticism, and renunciation from the masses whom they seek to control through the prism of patriarchal authority. In every instance, Woman and Nature were seen as manifestations of distraction, darkness, and the devil. Indeed, according to Genesis, Man is led astray by Woman - when Eve tempted Adam with the apple from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.


This supposedly entailed Man's proverbial 'Fall From Grace', and so we have ever since been struggling against these ongoing forces of darkness and distraction. Anything feminine was deemed 'temptation' or 'distraction', while sex was a downright menace. . . even though it gave us Life.

And so, Man had to choose between leading a life of Spirit or of mere flesh; the two were deemed mutually exclusive. One would have to become a monk, a hermit, an ascetic and renounce all worldly pleasures and associations. Another would embrace the hedonistic life, whilst receiving the constant nagging reminder from the Church and State that he would be condemned to hell for all eternity, lest he repented for the sin of being a human with flesh and bones and appetites.

As a collective, we have unintentionally inherited the residue of this schism of the psyche. It's an either/or situation. We are pressganged into choosing a specific 'side': Are you ascetic, or are you hedonistic? Are you an evolved spiritual being, or are you nothing but a base, carnal one?


You see, this schism of the psyche was manufactured by those who did not accept themselves wholly as they were, and so they abused their positions of power by projecting their unresolved emotional issues onto the collective who looked up to them for some sort of guidance. This engendered a schizophrenic civilisation for many centuries to come.

Nowadays, however, more of us have woken up to the fact that we don't actually have to rely upon any external institutional authority for any guidance pertaining to morality, ethics, spirituality, and so forth. We realise that we've been conned big-time. But there's no need to get angry. For anger and protest are unconstructive symptoms of disempowerment. We can instead shake off our illusory shackles and set into a glowing space of renewed empowerment.

But first, let us take heed, for the institutional authorities are still attempting to deceive thusly:-

Spiritual Oneupmanship

The divide-and-conquer nature of institutionalised spiritual authority has managed to transmute itself via incredibly subtle means. The Christian institution invented the circles of Hell and the gates of Paradise. But today, you will have heard that, in the spiritual community, there's been all this confab regarding the transitioning out of 3D and ascension into 5D. While I may concord with the realities of higher dimensions, one must remain quite discerning as to whom you entrust your attention. Certain cults on the internet are going so far as to perform 'Blood Magic', which, according to them, is the only real way one can ascend into the 5th Dimension, thereby shuffling off our 3D skin completely and enjoying the spiritual light body.

Notice how these institutions are now trickling down into the forms of independent 'guru' individuals who are, in fact, nothing other than controlled opposition. Some of them are genuine and sincere mentors and leaders, but most of them were placed there to create chaos and deceive. Tread with discernment. As Buddha said: 'Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who says it unless it agrees with your own reason and common sense.'

And we have this Buddha nature and wisdom within us all. We have the gift of intuition, as well as the gift of free and critical thought. In​ an instant, we have the capacity to realize that there is at once No Mind and Infinite Intelligence.


So, once we've realized that we are Nothing and Everything all at once, that's it. Enlightenment. At last, we can embrace ourselves wholly as beings of spirit. But wait a second - aren't we still in the body?

This is where Zorba comes into play. The sensuous. The earthly. The indulgent. The desirous. We can finally say to ourselves that it's ok. It's ok to be both Enlightened and Earthly. It's ok to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and also enjoy a pint with your pals on the earthly plane. It's ok to go to Vipassana and have mindblowing sex with your lover. We can partake in both ascending AND grounding.

Wholeness is the key. No more renunciation. Open all the doors and windows and rejoice. Rejoice with self and other. With earth and heaven. As One.


Be Free, Have Fun, Have Faith ;)


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