This is a sleepy freewrite. I have been on my feet all morning, and I just sat down with a heating pad on my lower back and now I'm so sleepy. I didn't sleep well last night
because of the purple spotted apple. You know, I can see it in my mind's eye. It's a natural purpley redness. Looks quite pretty. The spots aren't starkly defined. But they're distinct.
The apple is probably delicious, but I don't think my tummy can handle much. Apples are harder on my tummy than they should be. Everything is hard on my tummy, it seems like. I wonder if there's a way I can get to better health overall. Not through apples, probably. Through daily yoga maybe? And eating only prepared meals prepared with an eye toward fresh produce and reasonable proteins. I don't know what I mean by reasonable. I want to do some weight training. i mean strength training. I want to be able to use my body for fun stuff and not feel like I just can't do this or that. i want my fears to be unreasonable, rather than recognizing that my body can't do what it used to. I wonder how I can build a habit out of something like that. I'm sure there's lots I could do on my own, but I partly think I should have a trainer or therapist because I am often inclined to overdoing something and then hurting and then stopping. I dunno. how to build a good body when it's over 40. Uck to my body not recovering like it used to. Am I a purple spotted apple? Can I become one? Right now I'm not an apple at all. I'm not a food product. I'm not a metaphor. I'm a puppet. Guh hug ugh uhg ghu hgu that's all of them, right? You never noticed that Ugh and Hug are anagrams, huh?