in #education4 years ago

NOT ALL PEOPLE ARE SCOUNDRELS" - are great words of a great world known teacher and a writer Janusz Korczak.

He said them when he faced his death together with kids during the WWII. Though fascists let him go...

I knew about this great man when I became a mom and started to teach different approaches in pedagogу and teaching. He is considered to be one of the greatest teachers in the history, because his golden rules of upringing and developing of individuals from kids are still useful and popular.

He wrote many useful books, for example "How to love a child" that contains a lot of info for young parents and teachers.

Here are some of his rules:

Do not expect your child to be like you or the way you want. Help him to become not you, but himself.
Don't look down on his problems. Life is given to everyone according to his strength, and be sure - it is hard for him not less than for you, and maybe more, since he has no experience.
Do not offend him ever
A child is not a tyrant who takes away your life. This is that precious bowl that Life has given you to preserve and develop creative fire in it. It is a soul given for safekeeping.
Love your child in any case even if he is not so talented or clever as you wanted him to be.
If you don't do everything possible for your child, then it's not enough.


And the most touching story about his death...

He refused to save his life three times.
For the first time this happened when Janusz made a decision not to emigrate before the occupation of Poland, because he couldn't leave the Orphans' House.

The second time - when he refused to escape from the Warsaw ghetto.

And the 3rd time was fatal...

All the inhabitants of the Orphan House already climbed into the carriage of the train leaving for the Nazi camp.
One of German soldiers saw Korczak and asked:

Did you write “A king Matiush”? I read this book when I was small. A great book. You can be free.
And the children?
The children will go. But you can leave the carriage.
You are wrong. I can't. Not all people are scoundrels.
A few days later, in the camp Korchak together with his children entered the gas chamber. On the road to death, Korczak held two of the smallest children in his arms and was telling a fairytale to toddlers...

I read about this story long ago but any time I see some info about this great man I remember how he left this world, and my heart is crying.

But such men never go away. They are always alive. He died in 1942. But he is still respected and loved. He is immortal.