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RE: Does Finding Your Purpose In Life Have To Be So Difficult?

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

100% agree Mickey.

Life is just life and we should be grateful to score the jackpot of the universe to live as the animals that are on top of the food chain.

However, purpose=energy and that is one of the deciding factors between winning and losing nowadays.


news flash...Steemit is making winning and loosing somewhat less relevant.
I suspect that _real soon now winning and loosing won't matter much at all.
Technology is like that...and we are so LUCKY to be living in a highly technical age.
It just keeps getting better and better.

@Everittmickey I agree that Steemit makes winning and losing less relevant.

Winning and losing will always matter because many people in this world just want to win.

Ambition, power, lust, greed are parts of the human race.

We simply need leaders in this world, and if there is none someone will take that spot.

@humanearl I believe that Earl. The universe is so fucking big we can not imagine it, there might as well be a being that looks like a fish which is able to create real planets on his Planetstation 4 because his race is light years ahead of us and they can control the universe or something.

winning and loosing only matter if you want to compete.
I don't.
leaders are only important if you want to lead or follow
I don't.

@valorforfreedom That reminds me. Did you get around to that video about the universe and creation and all that?

Guess you mean the Fingerprint of God - The Fibbunaci sequence?

Yepp. That one

I really wonder why that form is appearing so much in nature, why that design?

It looks really awesome by the way, man I can not help but say again that we don't know shit.

We do not even comprehend the knowledge that is hidden everywhere.

It always goes a level deeper...

"Behind your thoughts and feelings, my brother, there is a mighty lord, an unknown sage - his name is self; he dwells in your body, he is your body.

And deeper...

And deeper...

It never stops going deeper.

But only because we can think, to others life is just what they see.

Which leads to the conclusion that nothing has meaning and that we just are.

But we don't know what greater role humanity plays in the history of the universe...

Ah fuck it man, we don't know shit.

Super deep. We know nothing but what we don't know can be known to an extent. We can study patterns of design. Fashion designers, musicians, painter, etc have their trademarks or patterns that people recognize. It's no different with those consistent patterns in nature.

True that man. Tech is getting crazier by the minute. Hopefully we are all winners in the situation.

We are.
Historically speaking, by comparison to 99.999% of every human that has ever lived up until now.
YOU...are filthy have wealth beyond dreams...of those who lived a few hundred years ago.

@valorforfreedom and @everittdmickey How did we all get here? Everything that has ever been created logically must have a creator right?

If there is a source to all we know then would it/they/he/she be intelligent enough to convey what we were created for?

If I wirte a post I know why I wrote it. If I build furniture I know why I made it. If I build a building I know why I built it.

So since all creation is here and we know nothing can be made without a creator then would the creator know our reason for being made?

Everything that has ever been created logically must have a creator right?
Assuming that is true..then who created the creator? And who created the creator of the creator?...and who created the creator of the creator of the creator...and....(you get my point?)

A clearer and more accurate argument is that everytjing dependent needs a cause. Except for that which is independent. Self existent. A necessary being.

The uncaused cause would not be subject to the laws of nature as we are. Not restricted to time. Outside of time actually since time was created by the uncaused cause.

of course.
why didn't I think of that.
that seems perfectly reasonable..