Does Finding Your Purpose In Life Have To Be So Difficult?

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

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Searching For Who You Are & What Your Purpose Is

"Today I want to be an engineer. Tomorrow I'm going to be a singer. Well maybe I'll try to be a nurse or a doctor." My old roommates from college used to joke like that. They were mocking another roommate of mine who couldn't make up his mind about what role he wanted to play in life. Although it was funny in the moment the fact is that this is real life for so many people. From one job to another people are in search. Searching for meaning. Searching for happiness or fulfillment in their work. Maybe this is where you are in your own life at the moment. You may be clueless as to what exactly you are supposed to be doing. If so you are not alone. 

You see the thing is not necessarily that we don't search for who we are and what we are to become because I believe many of us do. It's mainly because we don't know how to even go about finding the answers to those questions. We all have things that light us up when we talk about them or make us feel excited just thinking about them. Those feelings are there and it's hard for us to hide it. But how do we harness those feelings and make use of them in our everyday lives?

I always say go in the direction of what energizes you and I mean that. Think of the things that light you up as a compass. It will help you to find who you are. It also will help you to learn about the things you are gifted in and the talents you possess. Don't ignore those feelings of excitement you get from being around or doing those things. It is a signal that you are in the right vicinity of what your life was designed for. 

Who Am I?

For the longest time I was trying to take the typical American life path only because of my parent's expectations. So I went to college, graduated, and started looking for work. It felt so weird after I graduated because honestly I never saw myself sitting in someone's office or typical workplace nor had I had the desire to. I'm an artist at heart. A creative. It's just who I am and it's what I gravitate towards. Instead of focusing on creative pursuits I tried to do the things that society said would make me "successful". Long story short that was the worst decision of my life. I put my talents and all that stuff that made me excited on the back burner. 

Let me tell you this. You will be miserable if you don't pursue what fires you up. Utterly miserable. No amount of money will change that for you. My wife is a perfect example of that. We were making good money when she was working for a company so that she could put her college degree to use. Well she hated that job and the only reason she kept pushing herself to go was because of the money. She was miserable. She would come home miserable, wake up miserable and often times she did not want to get out of bed. It wasn't until I motivated her to pursue her interests in health and fitness that a fire was lit under her butt. 

Finding out what you were put on this Earth to do is one of the most freeing feelings there is. Its freeing because you can stop trying to be something or someone you're not. That's what I had been attempting to do but over the last few months my life has started to dramatically change. My overall health has improved, my purpose in this world is crystal clear, and more than anything I am more fired up about life than at any other point of my existence. This is not a coincidence. 

All this has started to change for me because I tapped in to my gifts and talents and chose to walk in my purpose. I feel unstoppable. I feel the best I've ever felt. I feel free. This is how I want you to feel. I want you to gain a sense of direction and purpose if you don't have it. I want to you to be on fire about the things you love doing. It is not impossible. If God did it for me then he can do it for you. 

Here are some resources that will help you narrow down who you really are and the things you really enjoy doing. 

Sokanu Test

Free Personality Test

Spiritual Gifts Tests

You were made for a purpose. Find it.

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Yes, each one of us is wired to excel at something specific. It's called purpose. We can't create what our purpose is, we can only DISCOVER it.

Your purpose is older than you are. Your purpose preceded you. Your purpose was the reason why you were manufactured.

A role was designed for you before you were designed. God didn't make you and then decide what to do with you. No, He brought you about because of an assignment on His heart.

As @humanearl has rightly said, life is miserable except it's invested into the accomplishment of that unique assignment God brought you here for.

There are different ways to discover one's purpose. In my opinion, principal of them is to consult the One who made you. When we ask God to reveal it to us, He will.

I was a teenager when I began to pray this prayer so earnestly because we were taught that our lives should be used only for the reason God gave it to us.

I decided to ask God to show me why I was born and what I should spend my life doing.

If I tell you God didn't answer that prayer I'd be lying because He did. Also, if I told you I don't know why I'm here on earth I'd be a liar.

I know it crystal clear because He answered me. He showed me what I'm to do with my life.

Today I cannot describe the peace, confidence, gladness and authority that flows in and out of me just because I do KNOW that I'm living in my purpose.

@humanearl Well done bruv. More grace!

Man amazing insight. Everything you said has so much weight and truth to it. What would you say is your purpose?

Our gifts or talents are ours but they are not just there for us. They are given to be shared with others. Just imagine the world if nobody shared a talent.
What a gloomy world it would be!
There’s no sense of delight when we only want to serve ourselves. Sharing our talents with other people can create more lasting fulfillment.
It is actually a win-win situation. We get to exercise our talent and other people on the other end receives a benefit from it.

That would be a depressing world. Or imagine if every single person shared their talents instead of having to suppress them for various reasons.

I am inspired more with that video. I am happy to make my contribution.
First, let's take money out of the equation.

Now that money doesn't matter, what would you do with your time? Would you go skiing? Horse backriding? Lift weights? Pick your nose? (That last one was a joke, don't take it too serious)

Don't say that you'll lay on the beach all day. That gets old quick, and you'll eventually want to do something productive.

Whatever interest you, you need to set up a system where you can still do those things while earning income from it. For instance, if you like skiing, open up a skiing resort. If you like horse backriding, teach others how to ride horses. If you like to lift weights, go professional (IFBB) or even open up your own gym/supplement store. You have to really think about this.

Now, if you enjoy doing these, and it makes you happy to the point where time just passes by, then you've found your purpose in life. Whether you enjoy providing to others or creating something, that is what you should be doing.

Don't worry about the money if you do an excellent job at it.

I love asking people those questions because it narrows down what you would like to be doing and normally it would be a good use of your talents. For me I just want to create things. Whether through writing, music, or just artsy stuff in general.

The big problem however is that the current economic system at default is not tailored towards people working at their gifts while bringing in income. Usually you have to build income from what you love as a side gig. That's so stupid because many people feel like they can't pursue what they love because they spend ridiculous amounts of hors being a wage slave.

I do believe things are changing however due to new tech, cryptocurrency, and the younger people shifting their minds about work.

Friend shall I say this is a mind blowing article. The huge inspiration you brought out by this article and it leads us to be humans and be people with rich hearts.
For me we all are bounded our freedom with f*cking jobs. But with your article actually I want to feel the freedom. Of course I want to have a life as it is. Freedom yeah that what I am seeking for. With your articles you are leading us to that freedom. That's what we all need. Thank you friend. This is a very valuable post for me.


What I would love is for everybody to use their talents. Unfortunately many forces and the system is aiming to keep people from doing that.

Why do you think there must be a PURPOSE in life?
Isn't life itself purpose enough?
99.999% of all the people who have ever lived.

100% agree Mickey.

Life is just life and we should be grateful to score the jackpot of the universe to live as the animals that are on top of the food chain.

However, purpose=energy and that is one of the deciding factors between winning and losing nowadays.

news flash...Steemit is making winning and loosing somewhat less relevant.
I suspect that _real soon now winning and loosing won't matter much at all.
Technology is like that...and we are so LUCKY to be living in a highly technical age.
It just keeps getting better and better.

@Everittmickey I agree that Steemit makes winning and losing less relevant.

Winning and losing will always matter because many people in this world just want to win.

Ambition, power, lust, greed are parts of the human race.

We simply need leaders in this world, and if there is none someone will take that spot.

@humanearl I believe that Earl. The universe is so fucking big we can not imagine it, there might as well be a being that looks like a fish which is able to create real planets on his Planetstation 4 because his race is light years ahead of us and they can control the universe or something.

winning and loosing only matter if you want to compete.
I don't.
leaders are only important if you want to lead or follow
I don't.

@valorforfreedom That reminds me. Did you get around to that video about the universe and creation and all that?

Guess you mean the Fingerprint of God - The Fibbunaci sequence?

Yepp. That one

I really wonder why that form is appearing so much in nature, why that design?

It looks really awesome by the way, man I can not help but say again that we don't know shit.

We do not even comprehend the knowledge that is hidden everywhere.

It always goes a level deeper...

"Behind your thoughts and feelings, my brother, there is a mighty lord, an unknown sage - his name is self; he dwells in your body, he is your body.

And deeper...

And deeper...

It never stops going deeper.

But only because we can think, to others life is just what they see.

Which leads to the conclusion that nothing has meaning and that we just are.

But we don't know what greater role humanity plays in the history of the universe...

Ah fuck it man, we don't know shit.

True that man. Tech is getting crazier by the minute. Hopefully we are all winners in the situation.

We are.
Historically speaking, by comparison to 99.999% of every human that has ever lived up until now.
YOU...are filthy have wealth beyond dreams...of those who lived a few hundred years ago.

@valorforfreedom and @everittdmickey How did we all get here? Everything that has ever been created logically must have a creator right?

If there is a source to all we know then would it/they/he/she be intelligent enough to convey what we were created for?

If I wirte a post I know why I wrote it. If I build furniture I know why I made it. If I build a building I know why I built it.

So since all creation is here and we know nothing can be made without a creator then would the creator know our reason for being made?

Everything that has ever been created logically must have a creator right?
Assuming that is true..then who created the creator? And who created the creator of the creator?...and who created the creator of the creator of the creator...and....(you get my point?)

A clearer and more accurate argument is that everytjing dependent needs a cause. Except for that which is independent. Self existent. A necessary being.

The uncaused cause would not be subject to the laws of nature as we are. Not restricted to time. Outside of time actually since time was created by the uncaused cause.

of course.
why didn't I think of that.
that seems perfectly reasonable..

What I think is irrelevant. We all have things that we enjoy doing. That's just how it is. What do you mean exactly when you say "Isn't life itself purpose enough?"

why not just enjoy life?
why beat yourself up?

I'm not beating myself up at all. I just won't settle for a broken and hurting world when a better option is being presented. I just chose to study that better option very carefully to see if I can bet my very existence on it. You bet it all on life being the way it is. In other words "why change it". I bet everything on a better world to come.

I lose nothing if I'm wrong. You miss out on everything if you are wrong. I'm hedging my bets lol.

I haven't expressed an can you say I'm right or wrong?
HEY! Have you heard of the New MicroSoft HoloLENS?
why be concerned about THIS world when you can invent one of your very own?

with naked ladies...
lots and lots of unclothed, luscious, WIMMEN
who never
...well let's not go there..

Do you think that this life is it? That we should just enjoy the here and now because no other train is coming?

I was just saying IF your position is that this is all there is then there's a possibility for that position to be wrong. The same could go for my position. That's what I was trying to say.

Hololens. Is that VR on steroids?

to paraphrase what you said.
what I think is irrelevant

what ANYONE thinks about the subject is irrelevant for that matter. Nothing can be done about it.

Oh...have you considered (trying to think of something crazy but not offensive)....

How bout this...according to an ancient manuscript that I just wrote..the path to salvation is achieved by kissing frogs. Have you ever kissed a frog? Can you afford NOT too? If you don't you might be missing out.

(reference, humorously and hopefully non your Either/Or Fallacy logical fallacy)

Hololens is the latest and greatest Virtual Reality at the moment.
Next year there will be another latest and greatest
until Elon Musk's 'neural lace' is implemented.

Think 'matrix'..but you are in charge.

Neural lace sounds painful.

And I may be missing out on kissing frogs (that's actually my first time envisioning that). All I'm interested in is what came before the frog. Because what ever created the frog is greater. And then what came before that and before that and so on.

Infinite regress is tricky. An uncaused cause works itself outbetter than the other model. This would make the uncaused cause the most powerful thing/he/she to exist.

If you choose to work rather than live, then you exist for another, impersonally. I could never envy that. I have a want to learn everything, but since I cannot, I simply take every opportunity available that grabs my interest at the time and place presented. I choose to live for me, while trying to help others obtain their dreams as well. In a life, where nearly every footstep is planned for you, I try to bushwhack my own. I hope to inspire other's to do the same. Thank you for posting the links for those that need help finding their direction. I look forward to a society, which is simply happy to be, without needing a place to be. I too do not believe we were put here for a specific purpose. We simply have the chance to make our life purposeful however we choose, because we happen to exist. It's not important whether we agree or not. What's important is that we can get along despite the fact we disagree. To each their own as long as they do not physically harm another. Your psyche is your own responsibility.

What has been the key for you in living for you?

I wish there were a key. There is no one event, epiphany or person that motivates me. It's my life's experience's, which have built collectively to come to this present moment. My view is that we all deserve true freedom, which we are not afforded. So I have three choices; 1. Conform to the societal standard and try to make the best of it 2. Fight through the legal channel's by protest of some form, but still live by those societal standards to avoid punishment, or 3. Live my way, because I believe it's the right way, while not giving a shit of the consequences hanging over my head threatened by another. I have simply chosen #3. I am living my way, only following the rules I feel like following, not following the one's I disagree with. I vote with my dollar, even if it's an inconvenience for me and I want to help other's to do the same. My motivation is freedom, independence and honor.

Great words friend.
Same here, i had worked in many ways, handle helper on the building site, in sale...but all this is drayning my energy and money isnt giving me back enough.

Creativity is what makes me happy. I like to there the beauty i see in our world trough my art. Thats why i will concentrate on this why dont mater it looks financially not that good at first.

"but all this is drayning my energy and money isnt giving me back enough." And they tell us money will make us happy. That's just ridiculous. There are much deeper problems with people than their lack of money.

We are very similar. I just have to do creative things. There is much beauty in the world and art does help facilitate that.

So true. Man i can feel somehow the creative power trough your postings. Sharing this with others is the journey we have to go.
Lets help to rebuild this sytem into a nature and humanity supporting one! ;)

Thank you so much for posting this and the video. It encouraged me a lot. These last few years have been really tough and I'm now in a transition season, but I don't know where I'm transitioning to. Thank you for the links to the tests. I'm going to take them in a minute here, but I'm excited to learn more about myself, and hopefully get some direction in the process.
I appreciate your encouragement and willingness to be open about where you're at. Have a great night!

I've been there and know the feeling of the transition. The tests will help you be more self aware and help you to look in the mirror. It's a good guide for helping you try to see what things or areas you may be interested in. Hope they help you.

I so agree with everything you wrote here!!!!

This is what I told my son and now we have a joke between us when he has a bad day......I say "well, you could always sell paint for a living!" and he cracks up and see's that following his dreams can be hard but the alternative is your soul being dead.

Thank You for writing this post!!

Good to see that you are reading Earl's post, Snooky.

he writes very good posts on stuff I believe in! :D

Being soul dead is the worst feeling. It's so zombieish. Kudos for helping your son realize who he is and encouraging him to flourish.

it IS!! though he does have a friend that does sell paint for a living and loves it so just proves that there is a job out there for everyone......... where the paint salesman came in. :D

But yes, you need to follow and listen to yourself........sometimes that is hard but the reward is well worth it, I think.

The worst words I ever heard were from my mom. "Just give up music. That's not a real job and people don't make money doing that" Real talk. It crushed me. But I'm alive again and making an impact.

I bet it did. :(

What she should have said was "while working on making money at music what will you live off of in the meantime cuz I will not be me."

Giving you the choice to work hard for what you really wanted by having to work 2 jobs (music, ???something to pay bills until) then you are working for your future and not your Mom's future.

But that is easy to write as I'm not your Mom.........

and as I took my only child to the bus stop to catch a flight to South America so he could do what he needed to and not show him I was crying's not easy to let your son grow up and let him go but as a parent your job is to raise a child so they can grow up and have the confidence to live on their own.

and yes, still can fell those feelings of letting him go live his own's not easy for a Mom to do..........just saying.......

Yea I know it could be hard for moms. Thanks for sharing your perspective on it.

sorry, think my written words came out sounding harsher than they were meant to.

what I meant to convey is that there are always 2 sides to a story. sometimes more.

Your Mom just wants what she see's as good for you because she loves you. It's hard as a parent that the child you have and made sure he was always okay and taught him to walk and talk and eat. was there when he was sick.......worried when he was's hard to let that go. To let your child make their own decisions.

This is where a parent has to trust themselves that they did all they can to give their child the tools they need to make it in the world on their own.

This part is also the hardest part. You have to trust your child and yourself that you did the best you can and cut the cord. :D which is not easy to do because you just spent ??? years making sure they were alright.

and the worry over your child never ever goes away. at least for me..........

So you both have to be strong when it's your time to be you. Most times the Child has to be the stronger of the two because the Mom just can not let go and trust herself that she did a great job raising her son.

And from what I read your Mom did do a great job. :D

But parents from the beginning of time have always wanted better for their children then what they have.........

They tend to forget, from age and worry and just being plain tired........what it was like when it was their turn to go out and be themselves or they do and don't want you to make the same mistakes they did.......

problem with that is you have to make your own mistakes so you learn and grown and become more you with your own stories and experiences to hand down to your children.....

and sorry I wrote a book on things I'm sure you know already.

and I really do love your posts. You are always positive and sharing in your journey and it's great to read and see!!

No worries @snook I understood exactly what you were trying to say. I actually just had another conversation with my mother today about some of the same stuff.

For me,Life is a journey to salvacion all things in earth are just a side.We cannot find our purpose if we focuses on earth doings alone.We should always ask ourselves why God allow us to be born.Living without knowing your purpose is hard.You keep on going without knowing whats on the last part of your life then later on you will ask yourself if you finished your run accordingly to God laws.Life is not merely about to live and survive alone there is always a reason why.

Steve Jobs once said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.“

Unfortunately, many of us do, trapped in a life that isn’t right for us by fear and inertia.

Exactly,so know your purpose in life for you to freely say that you finished your run accordingly..

Exaclty. There is more to life than what we see. What we see is only and illusion of what really is.

Truelly of that.