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RE: Not a care in the world, when your happy

in #dtube8 years ago

I'm not sure , maybe it's just I'm new to parenting . It makes me sort of depressed , maybe it's just an effect of motherhood ? I'm recovering slowely , I think I'll be better when I'm back in college next week . Life doesn't seem to have a purpose ? And you're a great father , don't worry nothing will happen to you , you have many blessings and prayers on your side . I have it saved , if I ever need anything :)

He cries when he wants milk that's about it, which is normal I guess lol. Otherwise he just sits there while he's awake


What your feeling is normal as od as it sounds, some people are Super excited some people aren't as long as you keep working on the bond you two have and will have you'll be fine. Keep a few things in mind when he cries he ALWAYS needs something its never pointless crying, at that size anyway, (I mention this because it can be nerve racking sometimes, if it ever gets to you step out of the room, and/or call me or a friend.

  1. I bet your doing great
    3.Even if you feel life has no purpose remember it does now either way because he has to have a purpose you know? With that said who better to teach than mom? Right? :) If you need help or advice I'm here dont forget that

Yeah I think it will just take some time to get used to and realize this should be my happiness . Thank you a lot