Not a care in the world, when your happy

in #dtube8 years ago

Hi everyone while this is one of my favorite music videos, it is also one I've used before on steemit, since we now have our own platform for videos I had to add it so if you didn't get a chance to see it yet.. Well.. here it is. I hope you all enjoy, oh and for the record thats my father in the background, he didn't initially know he was a guest star in it, but he learned after I posted it lol. He didn't mind.
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Role model :)

fara is that your name? i no who you are my sister Rachel spoke to you. I'm Brooke we are friends now :) :) xoxox my daddy talked about you he said you were pretty and your writing was like a dream come true :) we should talk on messager or on the phone some time you seem nice how is ur baby doing as it a girl or boy? whats is your babys name? thank you for replying to me i like it

o.O narc on me much! she is, um hmmm how to cover my a$$ she is pretty But all people are pretty in their own way :) and sweetie she just had a baby so shes going to be very busy ya know? Your a sweet kiddo I mean TEEN sorry

So what are you two up to lol dads spying on Brooke :)

Finally came home today , not feeling so well but praying for a speedy recovery . How are you? And the kids :)

Hey you, Farwa whats going on what doesn't feel well? Obviously having a baby certainly makes your body feel bad for a few days if not a week or so, but fill me in, whats going on?drained? can't sleep? a lot of pain? Bleeding badly ? Let me know that worries me a bit, I'd go crazy if something happened to you, You have my number and if not or you lost it let me know I' seem to stay up late and not sleep much as you probably can tell, if you can't sleep or need a shoulder to lean on You know i'm here I'll listen gladly. kids are doing good I'm actually going over this weekends plans trying to think of a way to get them in to some team building exercises or a program so they can learn to work together.. my biggest fear is that something happens to me and they some how stop, or can't work together. So I want to make sure that can't happen ya know? Rather be safe than sorry. Hows your son doing? Hows he been acting since you've gotten home? Do you know if hes ones that cries a lot or is he one of those types of babies that likes to keep to himself? Send a few pictures of you two if you dont mind [email protected] Seriously keep me in the loop your an amazing Steemit friend I'd hate to think of something being wrong. I'm always here :)

I'm not sure , maybe it's just I'm new to parenting . It makes me sort of depressed , maybe it's just an effect of motherhood ? I'm recovering slowely , I think I'll be better when I'm back in college next week . Life doesn't seem to have a purpose ? And you're a great father , don't worry nothing will happen to you , you have many blessings and prayers on your side . I have it saved , if I ever need anything :)

He cries when he wants milk that's about it, which is normal I guess lol. Otherwise he just sits there while he's awake

What your feeling is normal as od as it sounds, some people are Super excited some people aren't as long as you keep working on the bond you two have and will have you'll be fine. Keep a few things in mind when he cries he ALWAYS needs something its never pointless crying, at that size anyway, (I mention this because it can be nerve racking sometimes, if it ever gets to you step out of the room, and/or call me or a friend.

  1. I bet your doing great
    3.Even if you feel life has no purpose remember it does now either way because he has to have a purpose you know? With that said who better to teach than mom? Right? :) If you need help or advice I'm here dont forget that

Yeah I think it will just take some time to get used to and realize this should be my happiness . Thank you a lot

a new star is born!!!