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RE: In a Dream

in #dreams7 years ago

I'm so sorry for your loss, I can't even imagine. I sincerely believe the dead can reach us in our dreams much easier than they can when we're awake. My Grandpa visits my mom in her dreams at her weakest moments, sometimes just a phone call, to remind her to take her vitamins and change the oil in her car. Sounds kind of funny but I believe it. We're so vulnerable in our sleep, how sweet it must be to know you have an angel looking after you. (:


Thank you so much :) yea I​ didn't want to write that in because I didn't want to sound dumb but I was having such a hard time and I feel like he was trying to comfort me. It's nice because at the end of his life we were so apart, but I knew he still cared about me, and I feel like he still does even now. Whatever part of him is left with me. Your comment really made me smile, I​ love your writing! <3

I'm glad I could make you smile, and thank you so much I really appreciate it (: I think the ones whove passed can feel our pain. My friends husband killed himself a couple years ago, leaving behind a son. She catches her son talking to him every now and then, and sometimes when shes alone she swears she can feel him, and then a toy goes off or something falls and to anyone else it sounds silly but the feeling you get when it happens is so overwhelmingly indescribable, you'll only understand once it's happened to you. Fuck what anyone else may think, it's your writing. Don't hold back(: