Second Womb ~ Over & Over | Official music video /// 🎥 by @devolebnoj

in #dlive7 years ago


Exclusively dropping this on DLive!!! This is our first time premiering our work on the Blockchain!! Been excited like shit to bring you guys this visual... Type of rhymes that pierce ya soul. excellent shooting and editing by my guy @devolebnoj

Let us know how the sounds make you feel good people! Do your duty and #Spreadthedookie



Dookiebrownflow x Father Earth = Second Womb

Second Womb on soundcloud

Second Womb truly cherishes your feedback.
Please express all feelings and thoughts the sounds bring you.

If you enjoy the content don't hesitate to Upvote x Resteem x Comment

Respect to @termitemusic for the graphics!

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Love to our Wombmates

~ Enjoy

My video is at DLive


very dope track and video is shoot nicely aswel... like the style.. hope to hear some harder shit sometime though but that is just me with taste second womb always epic... father earth respect too... peace!

Thanks family!! Harder aww mannn you gonna make me dig deeper up my sleeve next time.. I got something for you, def keep your eyes peeled!

This is so awesome 👍

Thank you kindly

Yoo this video is fire

Mannn i was holding on to the heat for a few weeks, glad you like it. More 🔥 in the tuck!!

Cant wait to hear it boss keep them shows going big ups youll be in the US?

Yea im in Virgina atm.. Will be hitting SC next weekend and then Ohio the week after! We are putting together a campaign to raise funds wo take us international!!

Congratulations man to your success wish i could hit the one in sc im like over an hour away what town will you be in

Awesome Stuff Man :) Thanks for contributing to the Poets United Show. !!!

Appreciate you sir.. Thanks for your support! Show this visual to as many people as possible

Dope, as always.

This is awesome video.

My guy! Appreciate keep this thing in heavy rotation!! #spreadthedookie!

How the hell is it that you have almost 900 votes yet such a small payout yet all those shit posters make serious coin it really pisses me off :(

I feel your frustration! All we can do is continue to stay the course, our work wont go unnoticed!!

Righteous! Cut it and Roll it! Very good sounds and verses!

Smoke it smoke it!! 💨💨 pass dont you hold it!! 😤💪

how did you fit so many tags! hahaha it's makes it hard to see the whole article.. but then again, it's on Dlive ;)

Dlive lets you add as many tags as you want lls