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RE: My active weekend

in #dlive7 years ago

Omg you have the best garden ever! I know it's not healthy, but I envy you haha :D

Haha I was wondering about the chickens, since u r a vegan...then assumed they are from ur father or something :D But you killed it with "they are not mine, they just live on the property :DD", for real? They just don't have an owner or anything? And best luck with the beans :)

Fuck I want to go to Panama now :D Even the walk with the dog was suuperpeaceful...

Oh, and it's ur home gym?? Siiick!


Haha was this the first time you have seen @evecab garden? :D I am jealous of it every single time she features it in her post :D If we decide to go back to Mexico, I think I will have to visit her :D

Btw, Eve, don´t worry about that passion fruit - it is just as it should be. The flowers will soon turn into fruits ;) See these photos of mine from Tenerife:



Nope, never saw it before...and don't want again.. until I have my own hahah :D

oh wow yours is different! Nice variety!! And yes please come visit!

hahaah you make me laugh =) come to Panama anytime!!!! So the chickens belong to the workers on the farm (we're renting our place, it's not ours), and the gym is a collective one. Most of the stuff is ours, but some machines belong to the owner of the place and to friends, so we all train there together =)