My active weekend

in #dlive7 years ago


Hey all!

What were you all up to this weekend?

I dedicated mine mainly to working out, steeming, checking out my garden and playing with my dog. I usually don't make videos of my everyday life, but I want to become a bit more serious about vlogging and start filming more often, not just when I travel.

I have set myself a fitness goal, which is to be at my fittest level ever. I want to be shredded, get that 6-pack I always wanted to have, and be able to do pull-ups without any help (yes, that's still something I need to work on!). I will make videos a bit more often from now on, focusing on my progress on a physical level.

That means becoming more serious about working out, but also about my diet. Since I'm a lazy person by nature and a glutton, documenting my efforts here helps me stay on track. Y'all are my witnesses =)

This weekend I went to BJJ which is excellent for cardio and endurance, and on Sunday I lifted weights with my brother in law @cizabocas and his lovely girlfriend Lisa. Check out some of his ab-work! Lisa and I did back exercises, which is something I usually never do and today I'm feeling quite sore. All in all I'm quite happy with what we've done, and I love that feeling of having sore muscles. It means I've done something. You know the saying "pain is just weakness leaving the body", so let's hope that's true!

Thanks for watching and let me know if you'd like to see more content like that =)

My video is at DLive


Omg you have the best garden ever! I know it's not healthy, but I envy you haha :D

Haha I was wondering about the chickens, since u r a vegan...then assumed they are from ur father or something :D But you killed it with "they are not mine, they just live on the property :DD", for real? They just don't have an owner or anything? And best luck with the beans :)

Fuck I want to go to Panama now :D Even the walk with the dog was suuperpeaceful...

Oh, and it's ur home gym?? Siiick!

Haha was this the first time you have seen @evecab garden? :D I am jealous of it every single time she features it in her post :D If we decide to go back to Mexico, I think I will have to visit her :D

Btw, Eve, don´t worry about that passion fruit - it is just as it should be. The flowers will soon turn into fruits ;) See these photos of mine from Tenerife:



Nope, never saw it before...and don't want again.. until I have my own hahah :D

oh wow yours is different! Nice variety!! And yes please come visit!

hahaah you make me laugh =) come to Panama anytime!!!! So the chickens belong to the workers on the farm (we're renting our place, it's not ours), and the gym is a collective one. Most of the stuff is ours, but some machines belong to the owner of the place and to friends, so we all train there together =)

Good job

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