Chinese poem - “Jin Se” by LI Shangyin (Includes original song and video) | 《錦瑟》- 李商隱(內有原創樂曲及影片)
The famous Chinese kung fu fantasy author GU Lung once said “There are some in this world who live in their memories. This may not be ideal but is forgivable because their past is so deeply embedded in their heart.” We all have memories, and this week’s poem is about a poet’s memory.
When we think of unhappy memories we will usually find a loved one's shoulder to cry on. Yet in the old days when people reminisce the past they would pour out their sorrows and feelings into words and poems.
LI Shangyin was a charming and talented scholar, admired by many ladies in his days. He often wrote love poems for his admirers, and these became his most well known works. Rumour has is that LI wrote “Jin Se” in memory of his wife, yet others says it was written for a maid who work for his mentor. Either way, reading between the lines you can feel his sorrow for the love that will never be again.
The “Se” in the poem’s title is the name of a Chinese ancient string instrument. It is usually used to accompany the “guqing”, another string instrument most favoured by scholars in the old days. The sounds of se and guqing blend well together in a harmonious way, and poets often used them as analogy for a couple's relationship. If the poet is the guqing, his wife or lover is his se. It is especially heartbreaking to listen to music from the se when his other half is no longer there, as that brings back all the sorrowness.
So let's take a look at “ The Beautiful Se” (Jin Se) now and try to understand Li’s emotions.
The Beautiful Se (Jin Se) by LI Shangyin《李商隱-錦瑟》
jǐn sè wú duān wǔ shí xián ,yī xián yī zhù sī huá nián
zhuāng shēng xiǎo mèng mí hú dié , wàng dì chūn xīn tuō dù juān
cāng hǎi yuè míng zhū yǒu lèi , lán tián rì nuǎn yù shēng yān
cǐ qíng kě dài chéng zhuī yì ? zhī shì dāng shí yǐ wǎng rán
The Composition 詩句大意
There are eight lines in The Beautiful Se (Jin Se), and is best explained in six parts.
Part 1 : Memories aroused by the se 層次一:由錦瑟引起的思念
jǐn sè wú duān wǔ shí xián , yī xián yī zhù sī huá nián
The se has 50 strings, the sounds from each string brings back wonderful memories
Part 2 : Drifting back into memories 層次二:聽見「適」的瑟聲,回憶昔年而產生迷茫的感覺
zhuāng shēng xiǎo mèng mí hú dié
I'm like *Zhuang Sheng, and have become a butterfly in my dreams
*Zhuang Sheng was a philosopher in the 4th BC who dreamt of himself becoming a butterfly, flying around happily around. When he woke up, he wondered, did I just dream about being a butterfly, or am I now dreaming about me being Zhuang Sheng? Which is dream, which is reality?
Part 3 : Being persistent 層次三:聽見「怨」的瑟聲,回憶昔年而想起苦苦追尋的執著
wàng dìchūn xīn tuō dù juān
I have become a cuckoo like *Wang Di, crying out my sorrows
*Wang Di was rumoured to be King from around 1000 BC who became a cuckoo after he died. Every spring the cuckoo would call out for his love one in a very sorrow sound until his mouth bled.
Part 4 : Feeling lonely when I think of the past 層次四:聽見「清」的瑟聲,回憶昔年而產生寂寥的感覺
cāng hǎi yuè míng zhū yǒu lèi
The moon shines above the sea, and the tears from the mermaid become pearls lying on the seabed.
During the bright moon, clams will open up for the moonlight to shine on the pearls. Another saying is that when the moon shines on the tears from the mermaid, they will become pearls
Park 5 : Reminiscing, is it reality or fantasy 層次五:聽見「和」的瑟聲,回憶昔年而產生朦朧的感覺
lán tián rì nuǎn yù shēng yān
Lan Tian Mountain is known for producing fine jade, and on a good warm day, you can see mist. However people can only see the mist on the mountain, and can never find the jade
Part 6 : Summarising emotional memories 層次六: 回憶的情感總結
cǐ qíng kě dài chéng zhuī yì ? zhī shì dāng shí yǐ wǎng rán
Our relationship should have bought back wonderful memories, but I didn’t cherish it enough when we were together, and now it just brings sorrowness
The Poetic Structure 格律特點
Sentence 句式
The first characteristic of lu shi is uniform line lengths. The Beautiful Se (Jin Se) has 7 words in each line, 8 lines in total. Thus is classified as a 7 word lu shi.
The second characteristic of lu shi is that even lines doesn’t have to end with exactly the same final, a similar one will suffice. The finals in the last word in the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th all end with “n”.
Parallelism 對仗
The third characteristic of lu shi is parallelism meaning corresponding words in a pair of sentence have a similar sound, meaning or in the same lexical category e.g. verb vs verb, noun vs noun. For example in the 3rd and 4th lines we have Zhuang Sheng vs Wang Di, and butterfly vs cuckoo. In the 5th and 6th lines we have the sea vs the mountain, moon vs day, bright vs warm, pearl vs jade, tears vs mist.
The song and Sketch 《錦瑟》的歌與畫
Let's listen to our music now. This week we are honoured to have @catwomanteresa as our guest singer for the Mandarin version. The Cantonese version is performed by @tine. We have changed our style of music this week and created a more rock version. Rock is a good way to express and relief our feelings, and we feel it offers a nice contrast to the soft and sorrow emotion in the poem. Let us know what you think.請大家欣賞我們為《錦瑟》編唱的歌曲。這次我們很榮幸邀請了@catwomanteresa為我們演唱首段的普通話部份!而尾段的粵語部份則由@tine主唱。我們在今次的編曲嘗試一改曲風,由以往的中國風曲調改為搖滾路線!音樂,從來都是抒發情緒的方法之一,於悲歡離合的感受下,或有人借悲歌放大愁緒,或有人借歡歌以作調整,而可能更多的人會借搖滾音樂擺脫心中的悲情。所以,我們一試以搖滾的曲風,以加強歌與詩意之間的衝突,讓各位有一種不一樣的感受,只是,悲歡離合仍在,曲終人散時,情,是否真能抒解?
Have you ever felt like you were lost in between reality and fantasy? Just like our poet who dreamt about becoming a cuckoo, in our sketch, the cuckoo becomes a lady playing the se. She is sitting high up on a tree branch, looking at the stars, everything seems so near, yet it's so far. The stars are like pearls, yet are also like tears. They twinkle in the sky watching lovers come and go. How wonderful it would be if we could turn into a butterfly like Zhuang Sheng and fly under this beautiful sky.
Highlight from the poem 精選句子

cǐ qíng kě dài chéng zhuī yì ? zhī shì dāng shí yǐ wǎng rán
Our relationship should have bought back wonderful memories, but I didn’t cherish it enough when we were together, and now it just brings sorrowness
Some relations in life happens so fast that they just end up as a memories. Reminiscence becomes regrets and sadness. We can’t change what’s happened in the past, and holding onto them will only obstruct us from moving forward. We should learn to let go, and transform these imperfections into positive energy for the future. Think of these little imperfections in life as a prompt to us to the make better decisions in future.
Containing and suppressing sad feelings is unhealthy, and everytime you let go of a bit of sadness, you will eliminate a bit of negativity within you. Next time if you have a friend who is drowned in his or her sadness, make sure to lend an ear and a shoulder to cry on if needed.
Production Team 製作團隊
My video is at DLive
Wow great work! Rock version really rocks. Thanks to you for your effort and creativeness @kona and @catwomanteresa
Thanks! Glad you like it!
Catwoman singing 👍