
Oh, I know it's easier said than done. I see it looking at my bf, who was like how did you do that. He even left a cigarette on the fridge for me the whole week after I quit, assuming i'd need it. And here you can't enter a tabacco shop with a minor, so he assumed I'd be in stress otherwise lol. Never needed it. He quit smoking two weeks after and still says he craves for them quite often. He started vaping instead, for me that's just another habbit/addiction even though it's different than a cigarette, and I don't need a replacement.

I hope you will find a way too, and do it a the right time not at Jan 1st because everybody does that. You know many fail anyways hehe.. do it when you feel it's the time to quit. You can do it! I will cheer for you!

Thanks for the words of encouragement Nookie. I needed to hear that. The person I need to defeat now is myself.