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RE: The Doctor just said you're dying in one year | How will you spend it?

in #discussion5 years ago

One of the things that came to mind is: quit smoking. I wanted to do that for so long, but couldn't. But a few months ago I decided it's enough! And quit by just deciding this was it. Never looked back since. So that's one of the examples that I already did as I found it important. But there's still a lot to improve lol. Starting with a healthier diet, working on that, but admitting it's hard.

If I had exactly one more year to live, I'd make sure that that year was filled with traveling. Go to the places on the bucketlist (assuming funds were available lol). And there is something else I'd do regarding my two oldest children, but honestly not in the mood discussing that part as it's not the best moment for my own good.

I'd defo also make sure I'd try to make a few ideas a success during that year, as it's a now or never moment .. so if I could I'd just take a jump into the deep and go for it. If it fails, at least I can take that off my list...

Oof so many things, I may think about it some more and write a post about it one of these days.. :)


You made good decision with quit smoking, but sometimes information about short life are not connected with smoking. My dear uncle get pancreatic cancer and never smoked, it has started from shoulder pain and he start loosing their weight, then after that he lives in total maybe 14 months, but those months was really painful and he got only worse and worse. So getting 365 days with good form I think is a bless from God, which want tell you, now is the time to live your live with passion!

Sorry to hear about your uncle :(
I know more cases of people that never touched a cigarette and died from lung cancer anyway. I'm personally just glad that I was done with it (completely and strong enough to quit I mean, because I was done long before, but never able to actually quit).

I try to do that, and remind myself about it as well, but it's not always that easy. During the summer months things are going much smoother as my mind is much clearer. I can't bare the cold honestly as I have back problems and temperatures in our bedroom are as if you are outside.. Thankfully I know probably within a year we will move to another part of the world, so I have something to look forward to, which helps me a lot getting through this winter (last year I was super depressed from November until the first sun arrived)

I shall try to remember those words though, because these things are always a good reminder to things that are easily forgotten. Thank you!

Thanks for answer, appreciate it!

Likewise :)

Sorry about your uncle. Life can be really harsh. If I knew the exact day I'd die, it will be easier to bear than reality.

Yeah that sad, but we need to be stronger without people, which we love.
I bet that he would be really good with that option 365 days without pain and only joy with life!
So I think that deal is not that bad and can bring many good experience and things in life!

Very true. I feel really emotional right now.

Breaking a habit is a difficult thing to do and I know I struggle with my demon as well. You made the right choice to quit smoking and I'm glad your approach worked out for you. You're very resilient and strong

Oh, I know it's easier said than done. I see it looking at my bf, who was like how did you do that. He even left a cigarette on the fridge for me the whole week after I quit, assuming i'd need it. And here you can't enter a tabacco shop with a minor, so he assumed I'd be in stress otherwise lol. Never needed it. He quit smoking two weeks after and still says he craves for them quite often. He started vaping instead, for me that's just another habbit/addiction even though it's different than a cigarette, and I don't need a replacement.

I hope you will find a way too, and do it a the right time not at Jan 1st because everybody does that. You know many fail anyways hehe.. do it when you feel it's the time to quit. You can do it! I will cheer for you!

Thanks for the words of encouragement Nookie. I needed to hear that. The person I need to defeat now is myself.

It's funny, I've been on and off smoking for so long it didn't even crossed my mind to stop smoking when I thought what would I do if I had one year to live. But to be honest, I think I would still smoke, maybe even include some weed now and then, after all it's not like I'm getting out of this alive... in fact none of us is, and now that the long term diseases are off the list since I'm dying soon well, might as well smoke more xD but that decision is amazing from you, live your last year without addictions.

Do you have a bucket list? Or did this post just inspired you to make one?

That mindset of now or never has actually achieved a lot in terms of people fulfilling their dreams you know? Thinking that if they don't try now, they will lose their chance.

That's definitely a great idea, I think I might as well write a post about this topic myself! :)

Good luck on that topic about your kids and hopefully it will get solved soon.

I get that, because I also know the feeling of having a drink and a smoke in company. It felt normal to sit on a terrace and do that. But the past (at least for a) year I only felt bummed that I needed it. Every time I smoked I had this horrible taste in my mouth, I felt shitty whenever I forgot to buy new ones and always thought about having enough cigarettes whenever going somewhere, because god forbid I'd run out. No more of that :)
So for me it would not add any value at this point, I mean I can handle a smoker, but I do think they smell like ashtrays quite often (and yes I was one of "they" lol)

I never liked smoking weed, but I discovered edibles last winter when someone gave me 2 they had left. I was in heaven, my pain completely vanished and I felt so happy. I can imagine creating my own candy shop of these whenever I had one year to live! Feeling happy and no pain is of course something appealing ...

I've postponed so many things, for several reasons, often out of my own control. But I decided to start just doing these things, or at least start preparation of making them happen next year. Not all of them but a few at least. And so I will. Even though I don't plan on dying at the end of 2020 lol.

About the bucket list, I've started writing one several times but never finished it, it's more like 10 different ones with all a few things on it. But I will write about this in the next days because as you can see I have plenty to chat about hehe.

Thank you for that <3

I managed to quit smoking a few years ago.
If I had a year left to live, I'd consider starting it least cigars. Whiskey and cigars, in lounges with deep discussions.

Never got into cigars, but I would definitely start on some weed :)

I love that attitude, I guess you quit because of health reason, if thats not a reason anymore much as well go back to do what you enjoy

That and because the price was increased 40% suddenly by the government. Wouldn't need to save for retirement if I was gonna die in a year, so I would have no need for the extra cash.

Also, they started banning smoking in all indoor places and going outside in the rain or cold to smoke makes things really unenjoyable. So I would still need to find a nice lounge that isn't affected by the laws.

You could find all the nice lounges, go and smoke in every one of them and get kicked out. You might as well enjoy yourself ^_^

Hahaha. Spending my last year alive getting kicked out of cigar lounges. It's almost as bad as that guy who said he wants to go on a crime spree.

Life live without consequences, what's not to like about that!!!! ^_^

Completely agree, but I want to minimize harm to others while doing so. I'd rather be admired and respected than dispised and feared.

Traveling would be on my list as well. I'd love to see Iceland and just areas covered in mountains and snow! Don't get any snow where I live and I miss the stuff.