Women on Dating: The Art of being 5 minutes before time

For women being on time is a hard thing to do. The phrase “fashionably late” is the refined art of being just late enough (5 minutes or so) to give the impression that you are busy and considered a popular person held up with other business.
Here are some things women must consider when dating. Why in this modern age should women apply The Art of being 5 minutes before time?
1.Shows respect
Women want to be loved and men want to be respected. One good way to show respect to your date is to honor the time you both agreed upon. Women, understand that men determine the level of respect you have for them when you choose to be early or on time. A lot of women find it hard to be on time because of a lot of things like make-up and choosing the perfect outfit to look good whereas men just need to look good. Being 5 minutes before time on a date makes you value his time.
2.More time to prepare
Being early allows more time to prepare for your date- this is a big advantage on your part. Women in a hurry will only make themselves look unappealing and disorganized. More time to prepare suggests a calmer outlook and allows you to be at a natural state. This is important especially if it’s your first date. It’s normal for a man to be nervous on a first date but seeing a woman rushing and spending the next 10 minutes explaining how she got late makes everything start on a bad note.
3. 5 minute time to appreciate
Most women skip this part because they hate waiting even for just 5 minutes, but try at least once and you’ll learn to appreciate how much your man is willing to wait for you every single #date.
4.Less Stressed
Practicing the art of being 5 minutes before your date also saves you unnecessary stress. Dating must be something both you and your #man will look forward to, so sending out a signal of being stressed because you were late also makes your date feel stressed as well. Men strive to make the time pleasing for women because women are the ones who determine the atmosphere and outcome of a date, if not always, most of the time.
5.Shows a lot about your man or date
Being 5 minutes before your date shows up will determine a lot about your succeeding dates with him. A woman being early for a date, specially when it’s your first, not only shows respect and appreciation but also reveals a lot about her date. A man who truly values his woman will never let her wait. A woman who shows respect to her man will most likely feel much loved.
In the end, women hold a vital part in the development of her #relationships with the opposite #sex. With as simple as 5 minutes early can change a lot on the kind of woman you are and with who you want to be.
The source of Thumbnail : nydailynews.com
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@iwancoiy @iwansalman @iwohwoh @iyuta @izaliz24o @izge @izmini @izulfikarlsm @izwafauzi @j-data @j3cesar @ja9garnett @jaafarbrz @jaber.almousa @jaca @jacinta.sevilla @jack-07 @jack-id @jack8831 @jackchalat @jackie02 @jackielouvarquez @jackienlee @jackilzar @jackiy @jackjami @jackjohanneshemp @jackjounior @jackkie @jackkiller @jackmanmania @jackmiller @jackmun @jackrabbit @jacksonmil980 @jacksonshot @jackyson @jackysteem @jackyx2clic @jacl @jacobtothe @jacobts @jacobyu @jacqueline11 @jade74 @jadestone @jadibaik @jadnven @jaeydallah @jafar23 @jafardi @jafarfar @jaff @jaffer @jahangirbalti @jahangirkhan @jahangirwifii @jahedul2901 @jahidrony @jahirul18 @jailanihasan @jain @jainakriphonna @jajafresh @jakajuddin @jakariadb @jakatychora @jakboy @jakeabs @jakemore @jakeryanson @jaketaxi @jakipatryk @jakir @jaladin717 @jalalhossain @jalansiput @jalbayu @jaldesign @jallnexus23 @jalmi @jamal.jeje @jamalbbc @jamalblackman @jamalfadil @jamalgulab019 @jamalhk @jamalmy @jamalud @james-09aka @james212 @jamesblacks @jamesc @jamesfalling @jameshabib @jamesho1991 @jameshurst @jameslacey @jamesqube @jamesteemboard @jamiej @jamilhossain @jamiliafidan @jamilkhan @jamilvote @jamiz @jamshed @jamsphonna @jamzed @janasos @jancharlest @janeeliza @janegrace @janellelanae @jangtan @jankos55 @janmarieth @jannatmoni @janne @janny @januarabd @januschoi @jap60 @japfive @jara.mehjabin @jarekzip @jarif @jaristeem @jasicalov @jasiu @jasmadiyunus @jason-donovan @jasonbu @jasonmunapasee @jasonroy1 @jasonrussell @jasonvoorhees @jasperfinly @jass8661png @jassennessaj @jassie @jaszczur @jauharialz @javacreations @javaidhassan @javirid @jayakupi @jayantihaldar @jaycidiq @jaydeemonami @jaydentheslick @jaymacvapes @jayniel @jayparagat @jaytea @jazebbutt123 @jazs @jazzybells @jbadiabo @jbee007 @jcdent @jcobs @jcpuzs1 @jdawg @jdeutsch @jeabsywanvisa @jeanlucsr @jedibofink @jedine @jedralin @jedyu @jeeuuzz @jeezz @jeff-dawn @jeff9924 @jeffdud @jeffer86 @jeffery-awesome @jeffreyphillips @jeffspicer @jeilinespinel @jejujinfarm @jekisatria @jekyl @jel @jel11 @jellybear @jelocy @jemi @jemsmc @jena1997 @jennifar12 @jennifer11 @jenny1221 @jeoungjaeyoung @jerii @jeromedeiparine @jerrybanfield @jerrypermana @jese @jessamynorchard @jesse12 @jessicas @jessicazheng @jessirose @jesus93 @jesuscirino @jesuscorrea @jesuselias @jetblackwings @jetskie @jeumpa @jewel147 @jewel24 @jewelrana876 @jewnnpyoo @jexus77 @jezykowaty @jglowsinger @jgpro @jhaveapostol @jhdalitaj @jhen-jhen @jhinook @jhoan0310 @jhondlabo @jhonherry @jhonisemit @jhonni17 @noly @nomanor @nomanor007 @nomishiekh @nomvula @non-block @nongboy @nongja @nonsqtr @noobsin @noobx @noomlelaa @noopu @nooralam57721 @noorchalis @nopenotagain @norabx @norasitqia02 @norhbridgeman @norvicgarcia @norwegianviking @norwegiasteem @notannov @noteprokupes @notgeld @noty @nounou @nouranga @nova.sasmita @nova007 @novacadian @noval25 @novalandrian22 @novalsyahputra @novavilla @novi @novitalina @noviwulandari @novusrex @noyan @noyon696 @nps0132 @nrna95 @nrose123 @nrose1234 @nrs-ma @nsabidida @nskaifa @nsuciy @pydevnopro @qadrisafriza @qagiri @qamark @qamarreviews @qanqan @qassamed1 @qatrulnida @qira @qiyani @qms @qmushfiq @qoriaura @qpdx @qredrag @qrwizard @qseksam @quanahjayhicks @queenie48 @queenlouise07 @quemalrs @quencore @queqtra @quicksnake @quinneaker @quinterolyndd @quitefrankly @qurba @quynhngan253 @qvor81 @qye @r-n @fastweightloss
Hmmm, strange... how come I got a notification that I was mentioned here? But I don’t see my name anywhere. 🤔
because she/he/it spammed their original post, mentioning hundreds of users, and edited it a few times to mention a few hundred more, before finally editing and removing the mentions.
same thing happened to me. this is nothing but spam and probably plagiarism if i could be bothered trying to prove that.
@farq this is not plagiarism. but a little bit spamming. I promise you not to bother you again. just only once time
if it is indeed original content, it is a shame that you would undo your effort by spamming in such a cheap yet annoying and intrusive way. You lose respect for your content by doing so.
hey, just mute me.and go out pls sorry for that again.
Me, too.
Me too.
😉 it is my tiny secret.
@itchyfeetdonica @freebornangel @jeff-dawn
I need your secrets
just keep following. I'll make tutorials soon
I received a notification about being mentioned in this article. But I am glad I check it :P
I noticed you write really good and the formatting of your post is top notch.
Can you please share with me how do you put your previous posts that way? I mean the little images with the titles at the end of this posts? What is the code for that? :P
Cheers and looking forward to keep reading more of your articles!
thank you @dedicatedguy, there is no mistake on steemit or busy.org. just I have a tiny secret. if you want to learn more pls. keep following me.
Yeah I noticed it you tag people alphabetically, but some people might not like that.
I am glad you tag me because you have probably the best collection of guides in how to properly format the posts.
How do you arrange your old articles in different columns like that at the end?
# Check out my other posts
<td><a href="https://busy.org/@ladyluck/5-benefits-of-being-a-morning-person">
< img src="imgurl">
<h6> 5 Benefits of being a morning person</h6>
<td><a href="https://busy.org/@ladyluck/why-traveling-in-your-20-s-is-a-must">
< img src="imgurl">
<h6>Why Traveling in your 20’s is a must? </h6>
<td><a href="https://busy.org/@ladyluck/5-eating-habits-you-must-stop-doing">
< img src="imgurl">
<h6>5 Eating Habits you MUST stop doing</h6>
Thanks, wow that looks complicated!
Either way, you gain a follower with me :D
just copy this code, replace links, titles and image urls. there is no gap between < img src
Yes thanks, after checking this link https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_images.asp I noticed the "alt" part was missing and apparently its an html requirement in order to show the image.
But its working now, so thank you!
Do you have discord? I sent a message to an user called ladyluck there, not sure if it is you.
I don't find how to put the image's link.
I mean, if I delete imgurl and put an image link there, it doesn't identify the image
Perhaps do you have a tutorial or guide for it?
edit: done, its working, thank you so much you are really talented.
I wrote you on discord so I can get to know you more :)
I am glad to help you. you are really kind person
please tell me, what is my mistake here ? the image is still a link :
no preview.
hi @ clixmoney, I'm sorry having kept you waiting so long.
maybe, you add space
<img src="url ">
This blog is awesome.
Try it with a Weissbier next time!
It's really nice post, I like how you advertise your other posts, can you tell me how you do that ? is there any tutorial showing that ?
thank you @clixmoney, I am happy you like my post design. Yes there are some tutorials on my blog. If you want to know more about it, just keep following me.
in tutorials you don't write the code of that and I tried the one in the comment above, but the picture is not seen but just url, please tell me what mistake I am doing ?
hi @ clixmoney, I'm sorry having kept you waiting so long

Man, you about gave me a heart attack, you share a name with a disappointment from my past.
Nice post here. I was no to notified that you mentioned me in this post. Cant find me anyway though.
thank you first of all. Yes You are right, just I made a little trick. because not so many people read my blog.😪😌
The SteemRat flagged you for spamming! Please stop or your account will be tagged to zero!