Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 01/31/19> Exit stage left…

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

Showing up...

Showing up to work on Wednesday with a short haircut and the beard shaved off got some notice from the guys in the shop that I had told on Tuesday about the goals I had set for the week. “Man you done got two ‘em goals downed in no time flat” is how Chris the mechanic put it when he saw me on Wednesday morning. So I told him, “yes those are two that you can see.”
“What’s that mean?” he replied. I just smiled. “You dog; you done got a new job too” he came back with and I smiled again. “I’ve got a fourth goal I added this morning; to be out of here for good by the end of the day.” I told him.

At 10:00 AM the ...

At 10:00 AM the VP I had been waiting for to show up for a day and a half finally did and he called me into the conference room and started asking just what went wrong and why I was resigning. I never like to burn bridges and it was like he just poured five gallons of gasoline on the floor and handed me a book of matches.
The way I looked at it was if he wanted to burn the place down then he would have to strike the match, I turned it back on him and said, “the easier question to answer would be “what has gone right?” He said he didn’t understand what I meant, so I told him that ever since I brought up the question about the 2017 commissions I hadn’t been paid I couldn’t get an answer from him or the owner, let alone a honest answer. He went on to tell me it was an honest mistake and besides, it wasn’t a lot of money anyway. (I wonder why they never make a mistake in the employee’s favor?)

I can only say...

I can only say for sure that he was half right; it wasn’t a lot of money. I damn sure wasn’t about to give them any more chances to get it where it was a lot of money either. I kept my composure and just told him that it isn’t going to work out, I need to move on and use my skills and knowledge rather than break my back and then wonder if I getting all the money that is due me.
So we agreed that since I didn’t have anything really pressing that needed me to finish up it would be best for all of us for me to just leave. I was back at home before noon on Wednesday and by four o’clock I was on the road to San Antonio where I will start my new job today at 10:00 AM.
So my plan of calling in sick for the last seven days of my two week’s notice won’t be necessary. That VP did ask me if I wanted to at least stay thru today so that I could be there for the other guy’s retirement lunch but I told him that I had already informed the guy that is retiring that I wasn’t going to be able to be there on his last day because I needed to be in San Antonio for a job interview. I have worked with that guy for three months now and he doesn’t eat lunch anyway.

So today starts a...

So today starts a new chapter in the life of Sultnpapper and it started with being awakened by the sound of a crowing rooster at 5:15 AM this morning. Not many, in fact I think this is the first time, I have stayed in a modern hotel that had roosters within hearing distance. That crowing rooster has brought back some memories from long ago this morning but I need to cut this short so I won't even start down that path right now.

I look forward to the challenges and rewards that come with this new opportunity. I also look forward to being back here regularly now and see just how well I can do around here. Speaking of doing well; yesterday’s Daily Dose got both a sniff from the pink pig and a nice upVote from the folks over at Curie. I guess some folks really have missed me after all. That makes me feel really good inside, almost as good as walking out the side door of work for the last time… exit stage left.
Until next time,

Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose of Sultnpapper.


Exit Stage Left. I love it. From one icon of the 70s to another how about "I just love it when a plan comes together".

Just all good news. Makes me happy.

I'll go down that path. I live in an 'unincorporated semi rural' area. We don't have street lights or even sidewalks but we do have chickens. There are at least 3 roosters within hearing distance for me. And a small flock of Guinea Hens for flavoring.

The best, though, has to be the burros. There are a pair of rescued burros right down the street and they generally bray a good morning tune.

Sam and I have a yard we walk by that has chickens behind a cedar fence. One day we walked by and there was a hole in the fence covered by wire (the fence was fixed the first weekend) as we went by a duck quacked. Sam just flinched like crazy! I'm guessing that was his first encounter with a duck. We haven't seen or heard the duck (s) again, I'm guessing it was being able to see the dog in close proximity that set it off...

Glad you are back, my friend.

Glad to be back here as well. That "I just love it when a plan comes together" was a good one too. That is too funny about Sam and the duck, but if he had never come across one before he would be surprised. Aflac.

Well done for keeping your composure, and congratulations on the Curie! On to the next adventure.
Years ago I was lucky enough to travel to Tahiti. I stayed on a site with log cabins, and I got the impression that the receptionist didn't like me. I found out that my suspicions were correct at 1.30am that night, when a rooster started crowing his head off right outside the door of my chalet. I spent half the night getting out of bed to chase it away, but it kept returning. Eventually I just hid under the covers and vowed to start eating chicken again (though I calmed down the next day and didn't carry out my threat).

I thought you were going to say you saw the receptionist bringing the rooster back each time you chased it away. She might have trained it to hang around that chalet or had some feed that she spread around there so she knew it would keep coming back.
I figured out where this rooster was when I checked out, he was across the street at a little old house that had some chickens in the yard.
If he had started crowing at 1:30 AM I would have been pissed off but I had gotten plenty of sleep before he started his wake up call.
Thanks for the congrats, that Curie was a real surprise for sure.

I think that was the rooster's "patch" and the receptionist knew it, so she gave me the rooster's hut. Grrr...

I'm so glad this worked out how you wanted it to go. Sitting around wanting to leave for more than a week would not do you any good.

The fact that he said, "It is not that much money" tells you just the kind of jerk this guy is.

Yes, I couldn't agree more with you on both points. Thanks for the support.

Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!

You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 387 (02/01/19)

Good on you mr Papper, wishing you the very best with this new chapter...think I've said that before but have said it again nevertheless!
Big changes are not easy but often comes with the best surprises!
Enjoy the adventure!

Thanks Lizelle, I do plan on enjoying this new adventure.

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

I would tend to think that with the statement made by him that it wasn't that much anyway, he already knew the whole situation...
Bye Felicia!!!
Yes for a new chapter in your life!!! Exit stage left and Movin' on Up!!!

You can bet your last dollar he knew damn well what the whole situation was . Good to be gone from there now. Opened up a whole new book today and the first chapter is exciting.
Thanks for the support James.

Any time, Mr. Papper!