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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 01/31/19> Exit stage left…

in #dailydose6 years ago

Exit Stage Left. I love it. From one icon of the 70s to another how about "I just love it when a plan comes together".

Just all good news. Makes me happy.

I'll go down that path. I live in an 'unincorporated semi rural' area. We don't have street lights or even sidewalks but we do have chickens. There are at least 3 roosters within hearing distance for me. And a small flock of Guinea Hens for flavoring.

The best, though, has to be the burros. There are a pair of rescued burros right down the street and they generally bray a good morning tune.

Sam and I have a yard we walk by that has chickens behind a cedar fence. One day we walked by and there was a hole in the fence covered by wire (the fence was fixed the first weekend) as we went by a duck quacked. Sam just flinched like crazy! I'm guessing that was his first encounter with a duck. We haven't seen or heard the duck (s) again, I'm guessing it was being able to see the dog in close proximity that set it off...

Glad you are back, my friend.


Glad to be back here as well. That "I just love it when a plan comes together" was a good one too. That is too funny about Sam and the duck, but if he had never come across one before he would be surprised. Aflac.