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RE: Facebook, please go away! - Facebook to buy Coinbase?

Im actually in the other camp on this. It would be amazing if Zuck buys Coinbase. What Crypto needs is mainstream adoption and what is more mainstream then Facebook? Our grandfathers local newspaper?

Not to ruffle your feathers but i think we have this kind of "This is our private club" behavior and we dont want the mainstream bs we ran away from to taint it.
I understand that, but in the long term, if we want mainstream adoption we need to accept the good and the bad.
Always taking into account that our benefit will outweigh the discomfort of it all.

This of course might just be payed rumors to test the field by Facebook, or a baseless rumor by a news site for clicks, but all that aside....

I would just stop using Coinbase if it bothered me and move to an another exchange. New people that have trust in facebook would come pouring in, price would rise, and we would really all be better off.


I do see you line of thinking. We need mainstream adoption, and like I said above I have a ( wall). I really just don’t trust Zuckerberg. This is just like walking on thin ice, who’s the good guys who’s the bad guys???? I can also tell you Coinbase, like other exchanges has it’s problems, and yet I still trade there.

I think you guys are missing the bigger picture. Whats the rush, cryptocurrency adoption will come. Let's do it the right way, the decentralized way.

Could you imagine if Zuckerburg sold facebook to Yahoo for 1billion when he got the offer? That's what coin-base would be giving up by selling out. A couple of years ago Whole Foods could have bought Amazon. We live in rapidly changing times and if Coinbase even had the option to sell, there would be no reason to give up an amazing future for some short-term monatary gains.

I wouldn't be suprised to see coinbase capable of buying facebook a few years from now, even though they would not want to.

No one knows how any of this will play out. This is really the wild west of investments. Up till Crypto if you wanted to invest you had traditional markets only open limited hours weekdays. Facebook buying Coinbase/ Coinbase buying Facebook, this will play out in it’s own sweet time i’m just holding on and enjoying the ride 😎

Good guy, bad guy... The distinction is blurry in the business world. I would probably think Zuck wasnt that bad if i met him on the street. He probably isnt that bad at all.
The problem is the philosophy behind it.....
But really... He cant corrupt crypto, he can only help it. If he can bring mainstream adoption, i couldnt care less if he made Coinbase into a "give me your fingerprints, your DNA, and your pets name"... I just wouldnt use it...

... but the news that he bought Coinbase would rock the world

I guess I get your point, and you are probably more correct than I would like to admit. I just don't trust facebook, not even a little bit.