Can you guess who is still around?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago
Maybe you've noticed, maybe its gone under the radar for you. But the coin of much controversy, the lending platform that houdinied savings for thousands of people, yes, that coin, is not dead, it's still around. Now, I'm not saying it's doing good, I'm not even saying I'm happy it is, at this point I'm just surprised more than anything. How come a coin that pulled the infamous exit scam is still being traded?

The story of how we got here in the first place has been told so many times, It's almost not worth retelling. But suffice to say, last year, 2017, was the year of ridiculous exuberance, the year were anything just seemed to work, you just needed a coin name, some youtube shillers and you had the winning formula.

I kept on seeing bitconnect over and over being shoved in my face daily. Now, this happened not because I was looking at youtubers that supported it, not really. Ads would show up in front of those who warned people about it. It was quite comical to be honest.

Lawsuits Galore

Just in my home state I'm aware of five of them. There are five different lawsuits going on as I type this that if I'm to be honest are likely to go absolutely nowhere. That being said, It's somewhat reasonable that those who lost their life savings would try to do something about it, and I'm not one to burst that bubble for them, at least not in their face.

Recently Trevon James, a youtube personality who is still active on STEEM was summoned to testify. So it's obvious to me this whole legal spaghetti is far from over. But, at this point I doubt even the youtubers with referral links will be found guilty of anything. You would literally have to prove they knew it was a scam, and that does not seem like a simple thing to do. How could you prove what someone was thinking?

BCC Community is still around

They are still holding on, they believe that at some point in time the Bitconnect team will come back, will make everything alright, will deliver their promise, their ICO BitconnectX and somehow the crypto community would embrace them again.

It's obvious, at least to me, that this sounds extremely unicornian. In other words, you are really betting on the craziest, and I do mean craziest of odds. What are the chances that the creators of the ponzi feel compelled to do anything at all? Why would they? When they made so much money, they have no reason to ever lift a finger again.

But this does prove something

Communities are important, more important than we give them credit for. Who would imagine that 8 months after this train wreck happened there would be anyone left? There would be people making T-shirts, selling merch, programming bots for raffles, rains, and what have you on a thriving community in discord? It's mind blowing to me.

But listen, before you get the wrong idea of me. I'm not delusional and have no horse in the game here, nor do I think the horse is going to make it, not at all. But, maybe, just maybe that not the important lesson anyways, at least not this minute.

If you are wondering, BCC has been trading for 40 cents or so these days and 60 cents is considered a crazy pump. Volumes are never more than a couple grand, so it's nothing too impressive either. But, as I've said, there they are, the little communities still dreaming, still hoping that one day they will wake up from the nightmare.

• What about the fun?
• Songwriter Shop Talk Choonicide Episode
• All those dead accounts...
• Couching the Caveats
• Fishing the drafts

It went from 400$ to less the 1$, and there is no trading volume for this coin, its pretty much dead... Although it might do a comeback on our next bull-run, human making the same mistake twice?, you can bet on it... :D

People need to be aware of Craig Grant and Trevon James who used Steemit to constantly promote this scam.


I heard they were re-branding...

ohhh im bullish then...

Just be careful not to go bullshitconnect.

ahahhaha that is an apt rebranding!

mav, im so happy to see you bro... how r u?

I'm still posting from my time to time but have not gone to discord lately.

I miss bantering about Avocados.


LOl~i like your re-banding XD

No no No



I was beginning to wonder where was jesus aka azis..

I am taking periodic breaks.. been steeming too much in recent past

Oh man it rocked the crypto world and gave so much fuel to the Fudsters so I hope that it stays dead.

You are right though on the community aspect.

The thing is that Steemit's biggest bitconnect fanboys Craig Grant and Trevonjb even admitted it was a Ponzi. They kept on saying shit like, 'yeah but it works'.

They helped funnel many Steemians funds into this....

However a lot of people joined with their eyes open, they knew it was a scam yet they still invested. Why?


Now Trevon is back on Steemit and people are still following him, dunno about Craig, I can't be bothered to check. But if the video you post in this section is accurate the net is closing in on these scum.


The problem is that many, many kids people, consider crypto coins as simply a trading game akin to Top Trumps or Pokemon cards. They don't see the real fiscal value or future benefits of real-life application. That's why crytpocrap is still around and being traded. Of course, there is also a responsibility for the exchanges to stop trading them too but they don't give a fuck whilstever they are making a profit and raking in commissions.

Me encanta tu perspectiva de las situaciones, de los cambios de la moneda y a la vez de la historia o crypto historia, he aprendido mucho de ti, de tus reflexiones, son muy buenas.
I love your perspective of situations, of currency changes and at the same time of history or crypto history, I've learned a lot from you, from your reflections, they're very good.
Les deseo...

The one argument that i heard in favour of keeping bitconnect alive was the fact that there was a perfectly functional blockchain in operation. You can do much with that. Look at steem. I'm not saying "Go Bitconnect", but when you got a bike, may as well use it.

yes, that is logical.. the blockchain is working, but what are the chances of trust returning, of the community becoming huge again?

little to none.

I agree 100%

Kind of like people selling Amway huh? People like to be suckered, it seems.

Posted using Partiko iOS

i've been to a convention believe it or not... got dragged there by an uncle. it was like a cult.

If anyone has some I'll trade you Lock Poker money for it.

Poly, I'll trade you... muh shitcoin bags for your account..

what a deal... what a freaking deal... i got the good shitcoins. the cryptobridge kind.