Everything you need to know about Bitshares. Quick Reference Guide
Bitshares documentation.
If you follow this link you will find everything you need to know about Bitshares, There is full documentation about it and probably can answer a hell lot of questions that you guys from the Greek community have about it. I find my self as the recipient of a lot of questions regardless Bitshares lately.
Seems like DEX's are the 2018 trend more now than ever that the crypto world is suffering from central markets and their agendas.
Decentralize everything, starting with the most important aspects of value, which is the actual exchanges and market making central authorities.
The sites ui is very minnimal and easy to navigate. The information given it should be a role model for any exchange that respect its name and most important its customers. You will find there everything there is to know about bitshares working model, and all your questions will be answered in a matter of seconds. It is so easy to navigate and so pleasing to the eye that you are going to fall in love with it...
Kudos to whoever is the guy that created it. Very well done and as informative as it gets. If you excuse me now I have a lot of reading to do since I just find the chance to purchase some bitshares with today sales. I don't think there will be another chance to accomulate that cheap any time in the future, especially after all the news that are coming for that platform. Give it a try and find out why DEX's will be the new trend this year.
Best regards

If you want to learn more about bitshares my wife a loooong time ago translated the bitshares 101 book from Max wright just go to www.bitshares.gr and click the relevant button.
Some parameters have changed since then but you can get an idea of what bithsares is..
Aslo don't forget that in Athens Bike lounge in Athens Mall all bitassets and bitcoin are accepted...hhhmmm...I think it is time I make a post as well..
@amadeus please check this out.
I am already reading it :)
Wish we had more info in Greek language also.
If anyone wishes to translate it I will fully support it with votes and promotions.
English works. Sell
Sell bitshares? Why?
I think most of the cryptos will fail eventually.
That is a bold statement!
I agree with @amadeus..tell us something in Greek...you are our God .. and a God must listen us..the common mortals.. :ppppp
Yparxei idi metafrasi sta ellinika gia osous endiaferonte. Den xerw kata poso einai omws up to date.
Nai re si egw gia plaka sto eipa...😀
Thanks for your post. Nowadays is a lot of speculation to shut down crypto exchanges by governments. Bitshares is a decentralized exchange, so it can't be closed down. Right?
No it can't, none can touch DEX's