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RE: Amazon, a big step for crypto acceptance

in #crypto-news7 years ago

sure, i would agree that you can't effect the change you want unless you're inside the belly of the beast trying to course correct at the very source, i can tell you are frustrated, fed up, annoyed and angry, we all are, trust me i feel the unbalance of the world at ground level up. also, i really like the word 'unfuck' so thanks for sharing! :)


haha unfuck is a great word! And how could I not be angry? I understand my rights and they're being violated on a global scale! I was born into bondage along with everyone else, accept the worst part is most people are un-aware of what's truly going on. :/

let's head to the shelters then and party in the pink goo of our solar existence, i am battery 12371237 and this is my function (you made me think of the matrix)

hahahahhaha. later ;)

I'm so confused aha

and that's half of the problem right? everyone is in headless, misinformation, juggle facts and fiction with health problems and bouncing between survival and thrive modes. it's a clusterfuck being a human being and we seem to have those in the position of power playing with the resources of the world like some giant excel spreadsheet. get me outta here, directions to the space port please. . . i'll pay in crypto for the ticket! :)

I'm confues because your reply went off topic, not because of the topic itself. I'm well informed, but part of the problem is everyone on one side is brainwashed and everyone on the otherside who isn't, seems to think everyone's deluded and that's not true.Most people are capable and are just un-aware of their own and other people's potential.

that's because life is off topic. it never runs straight, other things impact other things. i think i was totally on topic but you did'nt understand what i was saying, which is a bit like me in crypto really. stating that everyone is brainwashed is a bit of an insult really to people in general and will automatically exclude any information you are potentially trying to share. i'd be careful with that train of thought! :) - i think people are aware, it's just the bombardment of life that can cause apathy. we can choice to be a repeater station of information or one that executes. live or exist, it's a choice, everyday regardless of the life limitations. right, i gotta go execute now, i have sausages i wanna cook and coffee i wanna drink! :)