Amazon, a big step for crypto acceptance

in #crypto-news7 years ago (edited)

Dear cryptofans, -lovers, -enthusiast and anyone who wants to make use of cryptocurrency, we need your help!

An important step that cryptocurrency still has to make is the acceptance at large institutions. The acceptance at large companies will make the crypto market mature. It is crucial that costumer’s spend cryptomoney to ensure the circulations of cryptocurrency. If we can take care of this, the crypto market will become much bigger. And it is in our hands to achieve this!

An Amazon customer made a petition directly addressed to its CEO Jeff Bezos to accept Bitcoin and Litecoin as mode of payments on the e-commerce platform. If this can be achieved it will surge the cryptomarket. Certainly in the days like these, the cryptomarket can use a boost. That's why I want to promote this petition (the petition is started by someone else). The following steps are necessary to give the cryptomarket a boost.

  1. Accaptence of cryptocurrency at large companies
  2. People are buying stuff with cryptocurrency

So let’s ask Amazon to accept crypto’s like Bitcoin and Litecoin at their webshop. There reasons why we are choosing for Amazon are:

  1. it is one of the largest companies that have influence over the market.
  2. Amazon is a company that promotes innovation and modernisation.
  3. It is useful if digital currency can be used online.

Here below is the link to the petition. Fill in the petition and share it with everyone!
It is up to us to accelerate the acceptance of cryptocurrency.

Follow me for more news about investing.
Thanks for reading and don’t forget to share this post to make the cryptomarket bigger!!!

Let’s keep this BOOMING!

[UPDATE in comments]: Thank you for the overwhelming support!
I try to respond to everyone's feedback.
This petition is about accepting cryptocurrency at large companies (I know some do not agree with Amazon's). But ultimately it's about the customers, we need to make sure our Bitocoins, Litecoins, etc. are spent in webshops. And this petition to Amazon can get that maybe done, to chance the minds of more people. This petition is maybe more like a promotion to show that many people want to use cryptocurrency.


Cool idea but i will be +1 if they acept Steem , SBD :)

Steem makes a lot of sense because it is the fastest and cheapest transaction with the best ability to scale out there, as far as I can tell.

This was my point also :)

Sorry for the disturbance, but today there is news about a big company that (if confirmed officially) will accept Bitcoin as a payment method. I am thinking of starting a petition initiative addressed to individual companies to persuade them to join cryptocurrencie payments .If you are interested, read the article below.

Accepting Steem would be awesome but I think Bitcoin and Litecoin will be the first logical step before implementing Steem.

SBD is more stable. :-p

Sorry for the disturbance, but today there is news about a big company that (if confirmed officially) will accept Bitcoin as a payment method. I am thinking of starting a petition initiative addressed to individual companies to persuade them to join cryptocurrencie payments .If you are interested, read the article below.

hey i presume you have seen right? you should check it out. i BET it get's aquired by amazon at some point! :)

I've read about it and it looks cool! I do not know exactly how it works but it's definitely worth checking out.

I am experimenting with that service myself. It seems to work so far.

I heard amazon was looking is Sia coin too

LOL! I don't see pop stardom as a sustainable way to back a cryptocoin though.

I know who she is. I watch Todd in the Shadows, after all.

Sorry for the disturbance, but today there is news about a big company that (if confirmed officially) will accept Bitcoin as a payment method. I am thinking of starting a petition initiative addressed to individual companies to persuade them to join cryptocurrencie payments .If you are interested, read the article below.

upvoted and shared

Thank you for the support @tfx96, lets make this big! :)

Sorry for the disturbance, but today there is news about a big company that (if confirmed officially) will accept Bitcoin as a payment method. I am thinking of starting a petition initiative addressed to individual companies to persuade them to join cryptocurrencie payments .If you are interested, read the article below.

Oh God, like i dont spend enough fiat on Amazon already :S

Just change from fiat to crypto's, you don't have to spend more ;)

awesome. gonna be part of the campaign

Thank you @shariff, don't forget to share it to make it even bigger. We will get the 5000 singnatures soon!

Sorry for the disturbance, but today there is news about a big company that (if confirmed officially) will accept Bitcoin as a payment method. I am thinking of starting a petition initiative addressed to individual companies to persuade them to join cryptocurrencie payments .If you are interested, read the article below.

Good stuff! Getting onto this now!

Sorry for the disturbance, but today there is news about a big company that (if confirmed officially) will accept Bitcoin as a payment method. I am thinking of starting a petition initiative addressed to individual companies to persuade them to join cryptocurrencie payments .If you are interested, read the article below.

Thank you @snailpath, please share the petition it if you want to make it even bigger.

Sorry for the disturbance, but today there is news about a big company that (if confirmed officially) will accept Bitcoin as a payment method. I am thinking of starting a petition initiative addressed to individual companies to persuade them to join cryptocurrencie payments .If you are interested, read the article below.

Awesome @koyla! Don't forget to share if you want to make this petition big ;)

Of course ;)

Sorry for the disturbance, but today there is news about a big company that (if confirmed officially) will accept Bitcoin as a payment method. I am thinking of starting a petition initiative addressed to individual companies to persuade them to join cryptocurrencie payments .If you are interested, read the article below.

Sure, will look into it

Yeah was reading about that too

I'm hoping this is true, a lot of bitcoin-news sites are saying this.

Yeah as the bitcoin payment is now popular in this era.
I would as well accept bitcoin as payment option if i set up my company.

Check this out

UPVOTE deserves, its will help crypto to grow

Sorry for the disturbance, but today there is news about a big company that (if confirmed officially) will accept Bitcoin as a payment method. I am thinking of starting a petition initiative addressed to individual companies to persuade them to join cryptocurrencie payments .If you are interested, read the article below.

Do we really care if big institution use this technology? Maybe help local business get started so the smaller guys can have an advantage. Amazon is just insane, they're going to monopolise the retail industry in itself. Amazon would just be a tool for them to leverage Crypto in my opinion. The greedy fuckers should go down with the fiat currencies and let legitimate, fair business take over. People like Jeff Bezos from Amazon and Sam Walton from walmart, both have government help. Also people like Pablo Escobar had help from the gov, that shows what kinda world we live in, and if it doesn't you're blind lmao.

sure i get you, and valid comment. i certainly would love to see small business and high streets bounce back but we need to make sure they can wield the same tools as the big boys use to be as efficient otherwise people will continue to use prime for that next day self gratification 'want it now feel' - it's kinda hard to reverse that. do you have ideas on that?

We could start off by bringing everyone out of the debt death paradigm, by giving them financial eductions, so when people make money they know how to save it. Secondly un-fuck the economy as people are being gripped by their balls at the moment and it's like trying to get blood out of a stone! If people had more money, their more likely to go out and spend it in local business, also they would be educated on saving so they would stop wasting their money on pointless services and un-healthy food as the rich care about what they put inside their bodies. So fanchises like mc donalds would eventually be taken over by smaller businesses selling fresh and local produce. Finally get rid of the ponzi scheme banks, so all of them, and start by chopping the snakes head off, which is the federal reserve. Theirs really a shit ton of things that could happen but just aren't. :(

sure, i would agree that you can't effect the change you want unless you're inside the belly of the beast trying to course correct at the very source, i can tell you are frustrated, fed up, annoyed and angry, we all are, trust me i feel the unbalance of the world at ground level up. also, i really like the word 'unfuck' so thanks for sharing! :)

haha unfuck is a great word! And how could I not be angry? I understand my rights and they're being violated on a global scale! I was born into bondage along with everyone else, accept the worst part is most people are un-aware of what's truly going on. :/

let's head to the shelters then and party in the pink goo of our solar existence, i am battery 12371237 and this is my function (you made me think of the matrix)

You are right about the monopoly and that should be stopped. A lot of small companies accepting Bitcoin and Litecoin are maybe more important and realistic. It's important that people are buying products with cryptocurrencie.