STACH Short Story Contest #16: 199 words, 10SBD prize pool!

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone, @kingst here with the announcement for the STACH Short Story Contest #16.

What is a Short Story.

A short story is a story with a fully developed theme but significantly shorter and less elaborate than a novel. It makes use of plot, resonance, and other dynamic components to a far greater degree than is typical of an anecdote. You can read it in less than 90 seconds.

Contest Rules:

•Write a Short Story based on the topic that will be given every week.
•Write an Original Short Story (Plagiarism will be flagged and reported).
•The Story must contain no more than 199 words.
•One entry per user.
•Story should be pasted in the comment section below.
•Contestants are permitted to post their stories in an article on their blog, so they also get upvotes.

Winners Selection.

Winners will be selected based on the topic, story plot, number of words and delivery as determined by the selected Judge. One word above 199, disqualifies the entry.

Contest Topic.

Write a 199 words story based on LIVE FREE.


THREE winners will be selected for a share of the 10SBD. The story with the most interaction gets a 1SBD prize from @ejemai.
First Prize: ----------------------5SBd
Second Prize: ------------------3SBD
Third Prize: ---------------------2SBD.
Good luck guys!

Sharpen your writing skills and throw in some inspiring short stories. XO!

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Ann had suffered at her last foster home, her foster mother had been a frustrated drunk but managed to hide this from the social services who of course didn't really care.

Ann usually got locked in for days whenever she upset her foster mother. Ann was also made to do all sorts of strenuous house chores leaving little or no time for her to rest or do school work.

Ann often wondered what it would cost to be free, money? sex? violence? good education? she however held on to freedom thoughts for years, imagining how and what it would be like to live free from oppression.

It finally happened on a bright Friday afternoon, what had seemed impossible became possible. Her parents had come looking for her, they were ready to fight and get custody again. Ann's heart leaped, she could finally live free.

Go ponmilè, go!

Lol...thanks dear


Please when is the deadline

An interesting story, hope to get the full story...

I am glad Ann's little thread of hope never snapped! What an inspiration!!

Yes...thank you sis 😀

wow this is great

Story is after all appropriate for contest. see what in selecters mood

This is is awesome

I love this

what had seemed impossible became possible.

Looking forward to read more.
All the best

Thank you 😀😀

what a brilliant story ....@ponmile go
Go for gold

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A Prince of an Island State whose father was going abroad for one year sabbatical leave, gave the son the power of attorney to rule the state for a season until he returns. This over-ambitious youth suddenly conceived a subtle idea of absolute freedom. He abolished all rules and regulations that rob people of absolute freedom in the state. Traffic codes were eliminated. The code of conduct in the society was nullified. Men received freedom to stop women anywhere on the streets for sexual pleasures. People enter markets and pick commodities without any form of payment. Wickedness grew, giving the Prince a nickname: Prince Anarchy. The strange freedom propagated by Prince Anarchy immersed the State in uncontrollable chaos and lawlessness. On returning home from abroad, the father was filled with dismay; he took over governance and ended the terrible era of sad freedom. From the terrible ordeal people learnt that freedom which is controlled is the best for the human society. No wonder we have in our constitution the fundamental human rights that prescribe freedom under the armpit of the law of the State. LIVE FREE, but within allowable limits and defined boundaries. ABSOLUTE FREEDOM CAN BE DESTRUCTIVE.

Nice piece Reverend. I really love your perspective:


It is is very educational. Upvoted!!!

Wow. That's true sir. It's not actually possible to live free without chaos. Every form of freedom is defined by certain boundaries.

Warmest regards sir. Glad to know your are participating in this contest. Have read your piece, it's really lovely.

Nicely written with an appreciable aesthetic touch (well justified, properly emphasized were needed)

I am just a newbie sir, you could show me love in the future. But sincerely, your piece caught my fancy.

Nice writing @reverend-fidelis. The caption for the contest: LIVE FREE seems both captivating and ambiguous.

You are correct sir. I am aware that human freedom is monitored by the Creator of mankind through a moral code. You can be free to the degree permitted by the Creator’s moral law.

What a challenging message articulated with a kit of fiction....

wow, loved the story. It's been sometime, I read a story with a moral lesson.

story is making sense

Well written sir.

LIVE FREE, but within allowable limits and defined boundaries.

A lesson I won't easily forget.

Good write up @reverend-fidelis. With moral benefits.

I love this story

Wow...prince anarchy. Lovely

Absolute freedom does not exist in its real sense.

Live Free! Upvoted and following sir.

so true

absolute freedom can be destructive

cool Story sir

Man of God. Remain blessed sir. Lovely story.

fresh write-up

Jordan wheezed as he crested the ridge. He had to stop. By the time he caught his breath and still heard no voices or hounds, he dared to hope... He had just seized a moment, he had to make plans on the fly. Joining the homeless community seemed like his best bet, and an upgraded lifestyle compared to where he'd been.

He jogged and walked for hours in the dark, finally rounding a bend to see a valley aglow. Before long he was on the tracks, walking between rails at the outskirts of the city. Passing a small grove of trees and shrubs he caught the scent of a cigarette. He saw a faint path and stepping to the edge, he said "I sure could use a cigarette." He paused. "And a friend."

Finally a voice replied, "Come on up. Cain't never have too many friends." Jordan stepped into the shrubs to find a comfortable, efficient camp. An old man was holding a pack of smokes out, one pulled up. As Jordan reached out, the old man asked "Whatcha' lookin' for?"

Jordan blurted "Some way to live free."

The old man smiled. "Well, you found it!"

That was fun to read! Good job!

Thank you! Had to do it fast, going to pick up the grandkids in an hour lol!

Haha, real life getting in the way again! But I bet grandkids are always worth it!

It keeps us young chasing them lol!

Fair play to ya! Really good story

It hurt her to watch her face grow old, turn yellow, become wrinkled.
She was unpleasant to see the thinned and faded hair, she remember them long, thick and shiny!
She suffered, seeing in the mirror her aging eyes.

Her son lived far away and when he at last came home for New Year's holidays, he was horrified by the changes in the appearance of the mother and her despair.

He was a very talented engineer and biologist and was perplexed how can this be in the 21st century, the century of unreal advanced technologies!

All the New Year holidays he was working very hard and built a multifunctional cyber service unit!

This is a super-rejuvenating unit. It rejuvenates the person on several levels, strengthening health in general and improving the appearance.
Numerous sensors and systems of this cyber service unit affect on a person during sleep.
They nourish the skin and rejuvenate face.

The face of his mother is getting young very quickly now.
It was what all women dreamed of!
Living free from aged changes of the face!


Regret Prison

Josue keeps a secret that eats his thoughts away, his nights become eternal and in the day he bears a burden that he carries on his shoulders. Two years ago that ominous October day he left with friends at the bar, they had fun and drank without control and now being drunk one of his friends came up with a way to earn easy money, they went to a grocery store and surprised the employee with a revolver, the employee struggled with his friend and the gun was shot killing the employee on the spot.

Things should not have gone that way, Joshua thought, he remembered day after day that horrible scene where an innocent person had been killed. He felt imprisoned in his thoughts and one day he decided to turn himself in to the police and tell his story.

Freedom is not only physical, but it is also freedom of heart and thought, without charges of conscience of having harmed others, that is to live free.

It's a tragic story, but I liked it a lot!

A Forgotten Wish

I drive my car to the beach with my girlfriend Andrea, on the way I see the beautiful and leafy trees, I breathe and I am aware of every breath I take, I feel the breeze on my face and I can almost taste how wonderful it is to be free.

When I reach the beach I park the car and I hold my girlfriend's hand as we run towards the shore, I dip my feet in the water and hug Andrea whispering in her ear that she'll be my wife, I tell her how wonderful it would be to have a home by her side and to be able to become a large family of four children, a life together where with effort and work we can buy a small house with a beautiful garden.

Lying in my cell I dream of this life that I can never have and things that will never be, I am condemned to life imprisonment for committing a serious crime, I made a terrible mistake and today I repent, my immaturity and greed made me sin. Being free and being able to enjoy life is a treasure that I will never recover.

I like your story, much success friend

Reaching Freedom

Dan worked long hours in his small graphic design business, had opened it just 3 months ago, spent all his time so that his business would prosper. Dan was a self-taught student who learned only design programs and was born with natural talent for drawing, but because he came from a humble but hard-working family, he did not have the resources to pay for the university.

Dan previously worked in a large advertising company, in which he spent the same amount of time or more that he now dedicated to his business. The difference was that Dan previously felt trapped and exploited by the company and its bosses.

They give to the creative work, and the others took the credits of their art and bonds in their pays, whereas he for being a boy without university title despised it.

They save all their money, and took the risk of becoming independent, they wanted to be free and live according to their dreams. He created his company with his talent and his vision, the first years were difficult, but now he triumphs in advertising. Today he is free to live reaping what he sowed with his work.

excelente amiga!

Thank you, dear. ;)

It's a story with a great lesson. Everyone who wants to achieve their dreams can do it

At a certain time in my life I so much craved for the love and social acceptance of others, forks I considered stars in the street of life and so I would do and say "God knows what" just to feel amongst. But I got it all wrong as I simply was living another mans life. It was a mirage.
As the day went by the triangular shaped structure of my conscience was beginning to be chiselled round and was spinning free wheels.

But now am a renewed person and thus think and do things from the standpoint of truth and ingenuity, carefree of others in the vain of them accepting my socially or not. Am now conscious of my divine DNA.
I cannot live another persons life anymore. I love this freedom to be myself.

Am now living free from the influence of leaf extracts and more. Its a breathe of fresh air this new life am living. I am know the stuff am made up of am living free, shining forth the manifold fragrance of love, kindness and benevolence making my sphere of contact better than I met it. Am a free man and am living free.

I liked your story I will give you my vote and follow you success!

oh thank you...i glad to read ur story.


"Some day the waters of the river will be crystal clear again from her the children of my children will drink, meanwhile I will try to live with freedom".

I Lived in a rural community near the great river , there the territorial conflict was frequent, the struggle for control of resources, families without homes, destruction and death it was usual.

One morning tilling the earth, I noticed a column of smoke, I stopped for a moment, when it was scattered, a caravan of trucks was approaching with armed people, fear invaded my head, one of the men came down with his dark glasses and said: - "I am Colonel Azalee, I need people to fight for our cause, whoever opposes will suffer the consequences". The soldiers with violence they entered the houses to take away those who would serve of cannon fodder, the that opposed was they murdered and thrown into the river; I felt the dreams and joys fade among the ashes devoured by fire.

Years have passed since that episode and I still live the same movie day after day, trying to imagine a free life, with my heart in that field hoping to one day return.

Great story!

Hi! Thank very much!

Great story dear @edurley.
Freedom is priceless and is not always a choice. Good luck in this contest

To live free a forgotten phrase for Juan, and that carried the burden of a struggle that he had not been able to win, a war against faces that he had never confronted closely, a struggle to live freely and with dignity in his country, which destroyed his dreams, leaving him in a hospital bed after a protest where a tear gas bomb hit his head and caused multiple bruises that finally left him locked inside a body without movement.

While Juan and a whole country only ask to live free, where to say what they feel without fear, they breathe the air of a country in democracy, a free life that Venezuelans can have but that Juan will not feel, because he was imprisoned in the attempt, in he lost hope, he will not feel freedom even if Venezuela succeeds, that's not selfishness, it's a lot of pain, it's disappointment, it's the sadness of remembering that one day he went out to fight even on behalf of the family from whom he detonated the bomb against him, he is alone in the darkness that left the scars of his struggle.

He will never again feel his own freedom.