🎨 Life tangled / entry for ArtExplosion 28 week by @juliakponsford / Melancholy
It looks like this is becoming tradition for me to make entry for @juliakponspord ArtExplosion great contest. This week subject is Melancholy and talking about it somehow is always connect it in my head with great movie of Lars Von Trier with same title..
No, I am not going to do illustration of it this time..
And subject of this contest came in a great time since past few days I started working on some new pieces of watercolor portraits. Some of the feelings that hunt me for some time needed to be taken out from a soul.
This is first of them and I will give you as usual process of making it.

It's a story of a woman..
all women of the world we live in. My relation with subject may be watched from perspective of a country and surrounding I live where women are treated still in a patriarchy way.
They are mothers, workers, wives, lovers, mistress and all that in one..And it's considered normal..Also it's considered normal that they can make all that tasks with no raising voice and no complaining on the role society gave them centuries ago..I know it's not only story here that woman are payed less than their male colleges for same job, and that it's ''normal'' that they can manage universe in one..
But giving them all the roles mentioned above I see on their faces very often that melancholic look, not romantic one, but more like out of the world...Like day dreaming look of absence ...
So as I mentioned here is the process of watercolor portrait.
Paper is usual one that I use mostly, Fabriano Artistico 300gr, and shape is my favorite, square one 25x25cm
watercolors used are White Nights and Schminke
At first made background with light colors and covered paper with it so after drying to be able to proceed with pencil sketch.
Going with light under painting of pale colors
Here is closer look where you can see that spots are made with larger amounts of water which is my favorite part.
After several layers added and between them waiting for each one to be dried here is final look
Hope you like this new piece of watercolor
So stay tuned, feel free to comment if you fell like it, love to hear your comments and thoughts..
I think I can feel your painting. To resign into an unwanted role, because fighting against patriarchy all the time is exhausting. Being melancholy, because the pain is caused by people we love – people who also set the borders of a female role/personality.
Your painting expresses all of this, the love, the sadness, the pain, and reclusiveness.
Love it!
best possible view of topic you gave here ''Being melancholy, because the pain is caused by people we love'' @neumannsalva, thank you !
Thank you back, because I really love your style, the mixture of ethereal and beautiful art combined with hard questions and philosophy <3
This is a really touching piece of art, even more so with the story behind it. One of the things that really bothers me. Discrimination of women should have no place in today's world!
Thank you @reinhard-schmid, it's a story old for centuries and as such it can not be changed so easily. But it's good to point it from time to time with resources each of us posses.
Reminds me of last summer, when my friends and I got to be in the company of a men and his wife from a village. He said: Woman, here are the keys, get me my cigarettes from the car. My friends and I were shocked. She just stood up. He just continued talking.
great watercolor face - well painted :-)
Thank you @yoogyart for your support :)
Dear Artist @jungwatercolor ! This post has been resteemed and upvoted from FineArtNow account ! See you soon !
Thank you @fineartnow :)
hey gurl, i sent a little love your way, i thought your entry was among the best. Her composed being and swan neck, and the barbwire (within)...very powerful.
thank you girl :)Look, prices for contest sometimes have to go to those who are not so exposed, or just at the begging of art work, not only to those who are already ''good''. It's good to encourage people to work more and giving them prices sometimes it's a best way. I think @juliakponsford is doing great job with this contest and we will continue for sure to be part of it @ankapolo. And just to say, your work is so impressive and strong, love it!
Also, I am thinking myself to go into contest story, meaning to make watercolor one, not sure of the subject, and what bothers me most is judging..Not so good in it :(
hmmm... i guess i see what you are saying... i simply went of my actual artistic preference, rather than attempting to help minnows. I suppose its something i can try next time, if i win anything... and i really appreciate Julia's choices, i simply felt like sharing with people who I thought had the best art in my view... I'm looking forward to your contests, there are definitely enough watercolor artists now that you can give it a try.... :) the theme, that's a challenge...
I understand your point of view too @ankapolo, but to be honest most of regular are entering contest and it would be sort of not so good to give prices to the same people always.
And we will see, I am in a good mood for try out watercolor contest, just thinking now about prices and conditions, I am not wealthy enough on Steemit jet :))) But I think end of the week I will post it :)
Nice tutorial and beautiful painting. What watercolor brand did you use? Is it that paint from Japan?
@marinaart, thank you. No, colors are White Nights, Russian brand, one I find the best, full with pigments and make beautiful marks on every kind of paper. I think you can find them also on Aliexpress.
This is what I already ordered from Russia :)))
:))) you will enjoy them :)
I love this. I know what you mean, I look forward to her contest each week and will most likely keep entering, it's just a good way to stay on top of getting some wonderful art made and meeting new people as well as seeing old friends ;)
@donnadavisart, what I like most in @juliakponsford contests is the wide range of each subject that was given. Somehow it's always giving you huge freedom of interpretation. Personally, not so fan of those contests with exact subjects..
I love the concept of this and the colour palette is just so perfect and soft, thank you for joining jung!
Thank you both for making it possible @juliakponsford and @vachemorte :)
Very lovely & beautiful. The layering/ evolution of color is wonderful!
thank you @colormecalamity :)