carolineschell (66)memberin Italy • 3 years agoGREETINGS FROM THE SMURFS VILLAGE: JUZCAR / SALUTI DAL PAESE DEI PUFFI: JUZCARGREETINGS FROM THE SMURFS VILLAGE: JUZCAR Hello dear friends, Here I am again on steemit! I'm in Andalusia with…carolineschell (66)memberin Italy • 3 years agoLITTLE MURALES / PICCOLO MURALESLIFE IN ASCONA IN BEAUTIFUL Hello dear friends, I have finished the decorations in my friend's flat with a…carolineschell (66)memberin Italy • 3 years agoHAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL STEEMIANS 🤩 / AUGURI DI BUON ANNO A TUTTI GLI STEEMIANI 🤩HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL STEEMIANS 🤩 Hello dear friends! I wish you a fantastic 2022! I'm in Ticino and I've been…carolineschell (66)memberin Italy • 3 years agoRESTYLING OF THE SECOND PAINTING / RESTYLING DEL SECONDO DIPINTORESTYLING OF THE SECOND PAINTING Hello dear friends, here is the second painting I modified for my friend I…carolineschell (66)memberin Italy • 3 years agoSPECIAL COMMISSION / INCARICO SPECIALESPECIAL COMMISSION Hello dear friends, Yesterday I started with a new and a little bit special commission. A…carolineschell (66)memberin Italy • 3 years agoMERRY CHRISTMAS 🤩🤗🌲 / BUON NATALE 🤩🤗🌲MERRY CHRISTMAS 🤩🤗🌲 Hello dear friends! Thank you for the wishes email from Steemit! I've been a bit absent…carolineschell (66)memberin Italy • 3 years agoLIVE SKETCHES OF CHECCO / DISEGNI DAL VIVO DI CHECCOLIVE SKETCHES OF CHECCO 😻 Hello dear friends, today I am sharing Checco's live sketches.... at the beginning it…carolineschell (66)memberin Italy • 3 years agoMURAL ON THE PARKING GARAGE IN ASCONA / MURALES SU L' AUTOSILO AD ASCONAMURAL ON THE PARKING GARAGE IN ASCONA Hello dear friends, they finally decided to decorate this wall, which had…carolineschell (66)memberin Italy • 3 years agoLAST DAY AT ARTEPADOVA / ULTIMO GIORNO AD ARTEPADOVALAST DAY AT ARTEPADOVA Hello dear friends, in these days I've been in Veneto, where I've eaten a lot and very well…carolineschell (66)memberin Italy • 3 years agoEXHIBITING AT THE ART FAIR IN PADOVA / ESPONGO AD ARTEPADOVAEXHIBITING AT THE ART FAIR IN PADOVA Hello dear friends! Here I am at the fair! I left Switzerland early to…carolineschell (66)memberin Italy • 3 years agoANOTHER WONDERFUL SKY!!!! / ANCORA UN MAGNIFICO CIELO!!!!ANOTHER WONDERFUL SKY!!!! Hello dear friends, here's another very special sunset! I took so many pictures until…carolineschell (66)memberin Italy • 3 years agoANIMALS AND NATURE IN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER / ANIMALI E NATURA A SETTEMBRE E OTTOBREANIMALS AND NATURE IN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER Hello dear friends, I have been travelling a lot lately and have taken…carolineschell (66)memberin Italy • 3 years agoSCORPION DRAWING / DISEGNO DI SCORPIONESCORPION DRAWING Hello dear friends! Here is my new drawing entirely dadicated to the scorpion. Next month is the…carolineschell (66)memberin Italy • 3 years agoSGARBI'S COMMENT ON MY ARTWORK / IL COMMENTO DI SGARBI ALLA MIA OPERASGARBI'S COMMENT ON MY ARTWORK Hello dear friends, the exhibition in Arezzo is over and we have also received the…carolineschell (66)memberin Italy • 3 years agoTHIS IS LILLY / VI PRESENTO LILLY!THIS IS LILLY Hello dear friends, This is Lilly, a 10 weeks old Cocker Spaniel baby. I had made a portrait of the…carolineschell (66)memberin Italy • 3 years agoLOOK HOW BEAUTIFUL TUSCANY IS! / GUARDATE CHE BELLA LA TOSCANA!LOOK HOW BEAUTIFUL TUSCANY IS! Hello dear friends, as you know I am in Tuscany and since yesterday there was such a…carolineschell (66)memberin Italy • 3 years agoGIORGIO BUTINI'S GALLERY IN MONTELUPO FIORENTINO / GALLERIA DI GIORGIO BUTINI A MONTELUPO FIORENINOGIORGIO BUTINI'S GALLERY IN MONTELUPO FIORENTINO Hello dear friends. I arrived in Tuscany!!!!! So obviously I…carolineschell (66)memberin Italy • 4 years agoAN INCREDIBLE SKY 🤗 / UN CIELO INCREDIBILE 🤗AN INCREDIBLE SKY 🤗 Hello dear friends, look how was the sky today! Simply fantastic.... and the photos are not…carolineschell (66)memberin Italy • 4 years agoI HAVE EMBROIDERED MY MASK 🤩 / HO RICAMATO LA MIA MASCHERINA 🤩I HAVE EMBROIDERED MY MASK 🤩 Hello dear friends, today I want to share the mask I embroidered. HO RICAMATO LA…carolineschell (66)memberin Italy • 4 years agoGREETINGS FROM TICINO 😃 / TANTI SALUTI DAL TICINO 😃GREETINGS FROM TICINO 😃 Hello dear friends! Here I am back in Switzerland, hugging palm trees and enjoying…