I'm a very silly person who doesn't always notice when the people around me are enjoying or not enjoying my silliness, but I'd like to nominate @paul.atreides for always going above and beyond to welcome silly people and help them feel comfortable. I run a pun contest, and ever since he started punning with us, he's always taken the time to chat with the other punsters about their puns, engage in some silliness, and send them some POCKET to both give them the means to vote for their favorite puns and to vote for his favorite puns using the POCKET. So, a huge thanks to @paul.atreides for always having a ready laugh and a friendly smile (I assume his smile is friendly. I haven't met him in person, so it could be full of sharp teeth. Not that sharp-teethed critters aren't friendly, but sometimes they're scary-friendly or scendly, and that's just a different look... @paul.atreides can be relied upon to snicker at this silliness, and that's why I feel okay being me on the blockchain. People like Paul.)
Well, I have to say that is probably the most Puntastic choice we have had so far. I am going to have to check out your pun contest, I have a tendency to be a bit silly myself. LOL, my spell checker even has Puntastic added to the dictionary.
Speaking of puns, One author in that arena that I enjoy is Piers Anthony and his Xanth series. They are some of the most pun-filled books I have ever read.
I grew up on Xanth! He collaborated with Mercedes Lackey on some books, too, and she is magnificent. I recommend "If I Pay Thee Not in Gold'
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Cheers for Piers!
Ahaha! Keep doing you because laugh or groan we are loving it! A user that helps us feel comfortable in our own skin, (or 'bytes' in this case) is to be cherished indeed :)
Yay for cherishing! And for cheer-ish-ing. And for chair-ish-ing!
How did you know I was sitting in a chair?!

I can sea-t you.
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