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RE: Its all gone...Someone stole my Camera Gear (Not a Joke and Not Click-Bait)

in #community6 years ago

Yea it really sucks. I have renters insurance which does cover theft but it's a bit complicated. They will only replace what they believe the gear is valued at and thats only after the price reaches above my deductible. So if they say my gear was only worth 1500 even though I paid around 4000 for it all I only get about 500 due to my deductible. Fingers crossed but I'm not holding my breath.

Posted using Partiko Android


Ugh that really freaking sucks! Moving forward, get a personal articles insurance policy on all of your gear! It's cheap and covers all loss including accidental damage.

Yea I'm looking into getting additional insurance for the future. Could have been worse for sure though. I have friends who have had way more stolen than me. I'm not the first and won't be the last. Still really sucks and I feel emotional damage too. All I can do now is move forward work with the police and rebuild.

Everyone here has been very supportive which means the world to me. Hopefully I can use some Steem to help replace some of my stolen gear. Any and ever upvote I can get helps. Hopefully some whales will see this and can help me out.

Still doesn't feel real. I'm still trying to process that it actually happened.

Posted using Partiko Android