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RE: Announcing the Delegation Committee

in #committee6 years ago

Yeah i have actually interacted with and gotten organic upvotes from all 3 of these users and recognized all 3 of these names as TRUE steemians who I recognize as being active in the trenches, more so than myself. I feel like @aggroed deserves to get delegation for his project because it will employ so many people, and if he has to be on the committee to get that passed, its not a freakin conflict oif interests, what is this the government? This is steem and its about time community leaders are recognized, so lets applaud steemit inc's new Executive @elipowell for creating the space to allow for a delegation committee to give aggroed some credit in an official steemit inc position..... because he represents the interests of many steemians, and is a sort of Elon Musk character with his hands in many successful projects. If we just had 10 more @aggroed 's each withtheir own unique steem dapp or game as big as steem monsters, steem engine, SCOT communities, each one a separate innovation and accomplishment...

I appreciate all of the concerns but Steemit inc cant afford to NOT have aggroed AND why shouldn't steem monsters get delegation?!

Seriously now.. think about this ... what conflict of interest is there really but your own conflict with the interests of steem and steemit inc being able to bless a successful dapp like steemmonsters with delegation otherwise going toi some other project... but with steemmonsters we could onboard and reward and Afford SO MUCH more...

conflicts of interest happen if aggroed could reward himself here, and he wont be able to. So yeah sorry, it would be a conflict of interest if he was able to fund his own projects but he wont be able to do this is all just a bunch of nitpicking from jelous people