Thank you for your entry in to #comedyopenmic comedy contest. We have asked the judges below to review your entry and give it a funny rating. (They generally have no sense of humor, as the saying goes, those that can't do, start contests and judge).
This will determine your ultimate position when the results are tallied. (That being said, you are free to adopt any position you wish - we can recommend pantsless with beer in hand.)
Haha I totally see it @roundbeargames your kitty is a cute little godzilla, yea my family also liked that film the ending was very sad for me but typical of man kill kill kill. I haven't seen the latest one but I hear there will be another King Kong Skull Island movie where Kong fights the 2014 godzilla.
That is hilarious, but not what I expected for Christmas comedy.
Go Zira
Go Zira
Go Zira
I love the set up, but the punchline made me crack up. Godzilla is Godzir and zir for short.
Somehow I missed this movie. I think I was watching the Prince of Egypt with a friend who had kids at the time. I do remember seeing signs for Godzilla then. It struck me that there were hand painted Godzilla signs at the movie theaters all over Seoul. Do you know why they did that? Why it to avoid paying the copyright?
lol i thought about deleting that but i'm glad you like it 😌
i have no idea why they used to handpaint the posters. i'm guessing it was cheaper at the time. labor was cheap and machines were expensive, all the way up to early 2000s when south korea finally caught up with modern civilization.
Hi roundbeargames,
Thank you for your entry in to #comedyopenmic comedy contest. We have asked the judges below to review your entry and give it a funny rating. (They generally have no sense of humor, as the saying goes, those that can't do, start contests and judge).
This will determine your ultimate position when the results are tallied. (That being said, you are free to adopt any position you wish - we can recommend pantsless with beer in hand.)
If you have any questions or queries please feel free to contact one of the judges or come say hi in discord: Click Here
Thank you to @matytan for the great banner
Haha I totally see it @roundbeargames your kitty is a cute little godzilla, yea my family also liked that film the ending was very sad for me but typical of man kill kill kill. I haven't seen the latest one but I hear there will be another King Kong Skull Island movie where Kong fights the 2014 godzilla.
I thought that was a rumor but id like to watch that 😃
2014 version was kinda interesting cuz godzilla was more like a god savior there, which imo is much more in line with japanese culture.
That is hilarious, but not what I expected for Christmas comedy.
Go Zira
Go Zira
Go Zira
I love the set up, but the punchline made me crack up. Godzilla is Godzir and zir for short.
Somehow I missed this movie. I think I was watching the Prince of Egypt with a friend who had kids at the time. I do remember seeing signs for Godzilla then. It struck me that there were hand painted Godzilla signs at the movie theaters all over Seoul. Do you know why they did that? Why it to avoid paying the copyright?
lol i thought about deleting that but i'm glad you like it 😌
i have no idea why they used to handpaint the posters. i'm guessing it was cheaper at the time. labor was cheap and machines were expensive, all the way up to early 2000s when south korea finally caught up with modern civilization.
That's the picture I was looking for... tag it if you can with a bunch of things like #Seoul #1990s #handpainted #theater #signs #movie #godzilla #pictures #IMF #cinema #jongro #retro #poster
고질라잡는 심형래감독님의 디워가 잇죠 ㅎㅎ
디워... 잼이었죠... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
다들 쓰레기라고 할때 전 나름... 잼있게 봤어요.. ㅎㅎ
전 사실 이것도 잼있었다는...

hahaha, imagine a 2018 remake and one of the sjw to find out about Godzilla being asexual :P
well this one's dead so we can't ask about his pronoun 😐
makes me wonder..
is there one for dead people? or dead godzillas? 😨
hahaha maybe. but we should ask the geniuses who called sjw for further guidance :p
hear me roar
first photo is funny but last video is so sad.
😥 yes so sad. 'friend of all children' to die like that
What? 😅 What am o supposed to do now? I was nominated 😅😅😅
Posted using Partiko Android
lol well.. read the rules and see what you can do 😁
no pressure
i dont even try to be funny.
Cool I remember watching Godzilla when I was much younger.
Posted using Partiko Android
well godzilla has been with us for many decades :)
i also liked the 2014 one
I have not seen the 2014 version yet.
Posted using Partiko Android
just like the older one it didn't have too many good ratings. but i liked it.
you should download and watch 😁
Yes i will do someday soon :)
Posted using Partiko Android
😂😂😂You know I imagine a cat that is opening its mouth wide and looking at you
Very funny😁
sometimes she attacks me. viciously 😨
😱😱are your sure??if I attack how😂😂✌
bite and scratch 😺
nothing serious tho
yeah just kidding😻
Posted using Partiko Android