第20期好声音主题:嬉皮士70后 【半程点算】
好声音天团成员包括:@davidke20 @ericet @kadishakho @tanlikming @windowglass
【Voice】is a contest that looking for good voices.Team members include @davidke20 @ericet @kadishakho @tanlikming @windowglass
If you know how to sing, come and sing~ If you have beautiful voice, but don't know how to sing, come here to rap, tell jokes/stories, anything you can show off your good voice. If you neither know how to sing nor have good vocal, show off your beatbox, piano,violin skills, anything that can make sounds(or noise).
第 20 期 “好声音” 活动 —— 嬉皮士70后
顾名思义,这一期我们直接跳过中间那个战争的咸丰年代,直接乘坐小叮当时光机穿越时代到了70年代,嬉皮笑脸。这个年代也是属于小篇的金鱼年代,对于长发披头,穿高跟鞋,喇叭裤,电了爆炸头的我特别亲切。传统摇滚乐也是从这个年代开始的。还记得60年代的爵士风格,大家听得开始麻木,每个唱出来都是像黑人戴着墨镜把灯关了再找麦克风的样子。当年摇滚教父Jimmy Hendrix 直接带着他的芬达Strat,插上了广播系统,讲输入信号调到最大!然后再将输出减小来控制声量,吉他本来的清脆铉声忽然形成了严重电波干扰,犹如工业噪音。一直弹奏出70前完全没有听过的旋律,大家也为止疯狂。然后就是猫王也抱着他的爵士吉他,穿着华丽的舞台服装和喇叭裤,蹦蹦跳跳的冲出来,在舞台上打滚,形成了早期的重摇滚。哎哟,这么下去真是没完没了。我就留着大家去发掘,毕竟70年代是音乐茂盛期。当中不但是70,很多歌曲也是翻唱古典乐曲的年代。所以大家不必太过刻意一定要找70年代的曲子。不过小篇鼓励大家尽量唱出70年代的韵味,这样就不论是表演者或是聆听者都能享受和怀念过去。在此小篇特别想听一下 @brucejamlover 大佬的芬达Telecaster表演,不知是否有这个荣幸呢?- 欢迎大家使用视频或者语音唱/说任何关于主题相关的歌曲/故事
- 如果你能瞎掰,能把和主题扯不到关系的东西扯到一起也算符合参赛资格
- 标题含有“【好声音】”
- 使用 #cn-voice 标签
- 不能抄袭,搬运其他人的作品
时间: 2周(北京时间9月23号23:59截止)
【Voice #20 】Theme :
Pay tribute to the classic songs
Since we're talking about classics, this time around, as an editor for this season, I decided to fast forward to 70's. Why would I like 70's? That simply because that was the era I was born. I like the music during that era. Not that I don't like the new songs, but we just can't have the kind of lyrics, the kind of chill, we can even smell cannabis from the music. It's totally different kind of enjoyable era talking about classic rock genre. They're pure, clean, and lyrics that matches that era. Still remember blues are the mainstream back in the 60's? Suddenly, Jimmy Hendrix appeared with his Stratocaster, plugged in power amplifier, pump up the input to the max, and then limit the output volume. Due to heavy input, electric pulse disturbnace became distorting the clean tone of guitar strings, from there came DISTORTION, and everybody swing their body following the bassy guitar strum! Marvelously cool era. Not forgetting Elvis brought his jazz guitar, similarly plugged in, pump up the input signal and create distortion to the guitar tone, jumping and hoping around the stage, rocking his electric motor butt and there we have the early version of classic rock and roll! Wohoo! Well, the topic is too broad. I'd like to leave it for you to share with me what do you like about 70's. You may not like it at all, but that's the point, in the 70's not only they produce songs in 70s, they alsot remaster some oldies and rearrange their songs and make them suit to the 70's. If you would like to perform any songs that is not at the 70's, you may feel free to create the 70's feeling for us, I'd like to listen to the light grunge tangling noise. With that, I would also like to request our dear friend @brucejamlover to demonstrate his skill, I'd like to hear from his Telecaster blast through the internet!
- Please record anything related to the Theme. It can be songs, stories, etc, but it has to be your own voice.
- Title includes "【Voice】"
- Use #cn-voice tag
- No plagiarism
- Duration:2 Week(Ends on Beijing Time:23 September,2019 23:59 )
所有参加活动的作品都会获得 @cn-voice点赞,@team-cn,@cnstm,@cn-activity 也会跟赞。 并且所有参与者会分享这篇帖子50%的STEEM/SBD收益。
3个奖项会获得由@team-cn提供的2 NBC新手币,3个奖项将获得@partiko提供的777个partiko积分。
All the valid participants will get a @cn-voice upvote followed by a trail includes @team-cn, @cnstm,@cn-activity.
And also the liquid rewards of the post will share with all the valid participants.
【Voice】Team Members will select 6 winners.
3 winners will get 2 NBC/each sponsored by @team-cn and 3 lucky winner will be reaceving 777 partiko points sponsored by partiko.请大家踊跃秀出你们的好声音~ CN区需要像你们这样独特而唯一的声音~
- @annepink 新主题70年代的歌《读你》
- @ying92 好声音#《一切为何》
- @annepink 福中秋《明月千里寄相思》
- @abcallen 《回首嬉皮士》
- @annepink 《月亮🌙 代表我的心》
- @windowglass 【我想我唱】月光(非参赛歌曲)
- @abcallen 《定风波》
- @annepink 【🌸 花心💕 】
- @annepink 【东方之珠】
- @annepink 【梅兰梅兰我爱你】
- @ying82 《不再说永远》

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://cnstm.org/team-cn/2019/09/18/%e7%ac%ac20%e6%9c%9f%e5%a5%bd%e5%a3%b0%e9%9f%b3%e4%b8%bb%e9%a2%98%ef%bc%9a%e5%ac%89%e7%9a%ae%e5%a3%ab70%e5%90%8e-%e3%80%90%e5%8d%8a%e7%a8%8b%e7%82%b9%e7%ae%97%e3%80%91/
#cn-reader #cn-curation #whalepower #cn-voice #creativecoin #sonicgroove #tunes #lifestyle #palnet #zzan #mediaofficials #actnearn #marlians #neoxian #lassecash #upfundme #sct #sct-cn #sct-freeboard #busy