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RE: Everything has been stolen... (Update..Changed passwords should be okay now)

in #club1003 months ago

Great it worked! Perhaps it is wise to do it regulary or if something weird happens or you feel uncomfortable about something.
Somehow they found a way to get it.

If it comes to SBD you are right and I never thought about the fact that what brings most into the wallet is the easiest to take away. I know many safe it to exchange later if the value goes up. Good to write about and warn.
It's also good to check the wallet frequently. I only did once per month because I didn't earn much and as I did most of it was alreasy gone. Just the last powerdown I could stop.

Did you ever change your keys in all those years or after you came back this year?
Can be they were stolen earlier and your wallet wasn't interesting before.


Good wakeup (no pun intended) Now I'm thinking to change passwords regularly for other accounts as well. @impersonal says there is a way they can get into an account that doesn't require passwords. Something about the block chain code itself be vulnerable? I'm sure it was the stored up SBD that caught their attention. How they got in is a puzzle though.

Did you ever change your password or after you came back?

Many acvounts been hacked this year. I heard about it at least 3 times. Most of them "abandoned". The guess/thought is all keys were stolen during the hardfork (inused waiting for the right moment), leaks/bugs in tools used like botto.steem or others is possible as well.
With me I believe it was a link (voting for a "witness" in the comment section "ad"). Thinking back it was what felt weird.

Changes in the platform can leave a door open as well. We had the site "down" two or three times this year.

I doubt it will be announced if it goes wrong. Government, banks, brokers all announce it afterwards if at all.