Everything has been stolen... (Update..Changed passwords should be okay now)

in #club1003 months ago (edited)


My account has been hacked and whatever was in the wallet has been stolen. It is being used to downvote other accounts.
I did learn a lot on Steemit.
Especially how to write.
And I met some very nice people.
But I think I am through.
Good luck to everyone.
The safe guards are not sufficient.
And thieves are working hard day and night to see how to steal.

The account that has stolen my funds is @ warrentto

@solperez @hive-161155 @hive-120695 @hive-108800 @hive-161155

I have regenerated new passwords using this site... https://steemworld.org/change-password
I think it might be a good idea to regenerate new passwords regularly. Maybe every month. I have no idea how they got into the account. The loss was minimal. Stolen SBD valued about $60... Not a good idea to keep SBD stored or Steem. Looks like the safest place is SP. Thanks for all the help... I was about to throw the towel in... Looks like I'll give it another go....


Very sad to know that it is also possible.

Internet is a tricky place. Remember I said I was storing funds in sbd... that's a mistake. Steempower takes time to power down so a thief can be stopped by canceling the power down he started. But sbd is instantaneous. Hack the account and steal the sbd . Takes a minute or two.

Can't you change the keys?
Did you click a link?

I tried But message says, You are not the owner of the account. cannot authenticate.
I made a mistake... I was storing SBD... They can be stolen in an instant... SP is the only safe storage.

You can if you do it with steemworld.org!

Done!!! Thank you for your help. I'm thinking it might be a good idea to regenerate passwords every month.
No idea how they got into the account to begin with...

Great it worked! Perhaps it is wise to do it regulary or if something weird happens or you feel uncomfortable about something.
Somehow they found a way to get it.

If it comes to SBD you are right and I never thought about the fact that what brings most into the wallet is the easiest to take away. I know many safe it to exchange later if the value goes up. Good to write about and warn.
It's also good to check the wallet frequently. I only did once per month because I didn't earn much and as I did most of it was alreasy gone. Just the last powerdown I could stop.

Did you ever change your keys in all those years or after you came back this year?
Can be they were stolen earlier and your wallet wasn't interesting before.

Good wakeup (no pun intended) Now I'm thinking to change passwords regularly for other accounts as well. @impersonal says there is a way they can get into an account that doesn't require passwords. Something about the block chain code itself be vulnerable? I'm sure it was the stored up SBD that caught their attention. How they got in is a puzzle though.

You should change your keys. Can you do that? It's pointless to delegate SP since that can be cancelled and next the powerdown starts again.

Did you click a link to vote for something?

Did you use a tool or app that can have a "leak"

Do you need help?

warrantto sends steem to @ probitsteem (6 year old account)

@sduttaskitchen was your account hacked?

@steemchiller do you know the one who hacked this account?

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I was storing SBD not a good idea. It can be stolen in a moment. I think SP is the only safe storage. Requires weeks to power down. And keeping a close watch any intruder who tries to power down ... it can be cancelled. Which is I what did. I still have SP but the SBD is gone. I tried to change passwords but message is that I am not the owner of the account. ...So it is not possible to actually send SP to someone only delegate?

You have to change all keys with this tool from steemchiller: https://steemworld.org/change-password.
You need your owner key, which was not changed until now.

Transferred tokens are lost.

Great. Passwords are changed. Thank you ever so much. How did they get into the account to begin with? Maybe it would be a good idea to generate new passwords every month?

I assume you entered your key on some dubious site...

Only time I remember sending sensitive information related to the wallet is signing for tron when trx was connected to steemit.. All the accumulated trx disappeared overnight. I didn't do anything with tron or trx since I didn't understand how that worked except I did sign onto tron and tried to have the trx transferred there. But it was disfunctional. I couldn;t figure it out.

SP is Steem Powered up. You might be able to delegate but if you are hacked it can be made undone. Next it is powerdown and Steem.

If you still have the keys it's possible to generate new ones (via steemworld.org) @steemchiller once helped me.

You need the old keys to do so but sbamsoneu said today witness @moecki has a tool as well.

It looks as if the 193 Steem is yours

Screenshot_20241223-231657_Samsung Internet.jpg

@remlaps1 are you hacked?

I think probitsteem is an exchange account.
warrentto will be the receiver of the stolen tokens here, so I think @starrchris, @remixta and @gerdbodhiziegler are the other victims.

Yea I just saw it, this hacked my account. I just stopped the power down 😔

You should change the keys too.

Do you know where you might have entered your key? It would be interesting to find out whether everyone affected has accessed the same page. Then we could warn other users.

Cc @jiva34 @remixta @gerdbodhiziegler

Let's see if they respond. I hope jiva34 can generate a new key.

Is it possible to hack without keys in blockchain? Very disturbing!

No, I don't think.

Yes. That is very troublesome!!! So changing the keys will not give protection. I have a small account but some people have large amounts invested.

So there more vulnerable people to crack blockchain codes. Very very detrimental to crypto .

Tetap Semangat Kawan!

Yes. I got so much good help. The problem is under control now.
Ya. Saya mendapat begitu banyak bantuan yang baik. Masalahnya sudah terkendali sekarang.

Seorang pencuri beraksi menjelang Natal, uh sangat mengganggu!

Syukurlah semuanya sedang ditangani, saya berharap kamu telah merasa lebih baik sekarang.

More accounts are hacked!

Amigo querido, me alegra que todo se haya solucionado, aunque medianamente, pues no lograste recuperartu dinero. Definitivamente, los malhechores están muy presentes en el mundo real y virtual. Un abrazo.

Yes. Danger at every step.. Always remember the Lord never forget the Lord. What I am seeing from this is how people want to help someone when they are in trouble. Very reassuring. Where there is life there is hope for humanity. Eagerly looking forward to our next artist...
Sí. Peligro a cada paso. Recuerden siempre al Señor, nunca olviden al Señor. Lo que estoy viendo en esto es cómo la gente quiere ayudar a alguien cuando está en problemas. Muy tranquilizador. Donde hay vida hay esperanza para la humanidad. Esperamos con ansias a nuestro próximo artista...

