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RE: Everything has been stolen... (Update..Changed passwords should be okay now)

in #club1003 months ago (edited)

I think probitsteem is an exchange account.
warrentto will be the receiver of the stolen tokens here, so I think @starrchris, @remixta and @gerdbodhiziegler are the other victims.


Yea I just saw it, this hacked my account. I just stopped the power down 😔

You should change the keys too.

Do you know where you might have entered your key? It would be interesting to find out whether everyone affected has accessed the same page. Then we could warn other users.

Cc @jiva34 @remixta @gerdbodhiziegler

Ok I would cross check, please is it possible to regenerate a key in a pdf format.?

What do you mean? Please, use, sign in and generate a new key! See the link left by @ moecki!

My suspicion is that it might have something to do with the now inactive trx connection and tron... ?
How to change keys?

You already changed your keys.
The TRX "disappeared" at the time the interface of Steemit changed. It's still there (somewhere) if you have the keys.

Thank you. I'm thinking somehow this hack is connected to the interface with trx and opening a tron account. Changed the passwords but where are the keys and can I change them. again. If so how do I do that. I don't remember ever changing them though. Thanks for any help.

You can only change the Steemit keys by generating a new master key.

The tron (TRX) keys were on the pdf/whitepaper you should have downloaded. You can not change them

ok thank you.

Let's see if they respond. I hope jiva34 can generate a new key.