How to stick to your healthy eating goals

in #canada6 years ago (edited)

Your fridge is full of vegetables and you have the best of intentions to stick to that healthy eating goal you made at the start of the year.

It is not so easy 2 months down the road when you may lose interest and begin telling yourself how hard this is.

we need to refocus our thinking and know that this is extremely important to keep up with this plan to eat healthily. Start by setting small goals that won't stress you out But these goals do need to challenge you somewhat. Building your diet plan on a solid foundation will make it much more possible, So get your information from a reputable source like certified websites, your doctor or a registered dietitian Then, set small, sustainable, realistic and time-lined goals, Maybe it's reducing the amount of processed foods, Maybe it's reducing the amount of foods we consume outside of our homes, making it easier to have control over what we are eating.

what we are eating when we are eating out cannot in most cases be the healthy choices we would normally make at home, so do less eating out if possible.

Take your time in your shifting to healthy eating, changing your diet suddenly may not be easy on you if your system is used to a lot of junk. Maybe it's as simple as I'm going to start with two extra veggie servings and add more as you get into it. Soon you will not even miss the junk or other unhealthy things you were used to eating.

So try eating less processed foods and eat whole fruits and veggies, intake whole grains, legumes, and low-fat dairy, most people fail to meet the minimum goals for dietary fiber intake and may eat way too much salt and saturated and trans-fats.

When making changes, focus on your goals and not your weight, which will improve success. That means setting healthy, serious based goals for your diet and physical activity. We certainly want to not forget about the really important component of physical activity when we are considering a diet modification is a key component.

Get a buddy involved, someone else whether it's a family member or friend in that health goal and you're more likely to accomplish it and continue with it. Getting motivation from a friend will make you less likely to give up since you will have someone pushing you on and routing you on.

You also need to want the change, if you are not into it, it will not mean much to you. When motivated, making small changes can have a big impact over time.

Thank you so much for reading and I wish you all the best in your healthy journey with your diet goals. Stick to it and you'll be happy you did.

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