in #busy6 years ago
Hi steemians friends, consulted experts in the economic field on hyperinflation, unleashed in Venezuela due to the dizzying increase in the prices of goods and services in this past September explain in a definite way their cause, diagnosed as the decrease in the value of the bolivar to the amount of goods or services that can be purchased today with said money. That is, if we have a service, such as urban taxis, and the price of this service increases every day, we have inflation.

We also observe how the value of the bolívar fuerte has declined, because for the same service, it is necessary to pay with more bolívares. Of course inflation is a very worrying aspect of the economy, more than the outdated Stalinist ideology that certain Bolivarian government leaders defend, since the most important economic disasters that we are suffering, and that assure us the loss of the National Assembly this 2015 , are due to uncontrolled inflation (also called hyperinflation).

This season of hyperinflation that we live, where prices rise so fast, where the first thing people do when collecting their salary is to buy food for the rest of the month, since if they save the money, in a few days it is useless. This is generating a lot of discontent, also in companies, which do not have a stable production cost framework to prosper, and end up closing, increasing unemployment more.

To control inflation and locate it, you have to measure it according to the experts, it is creating a sensible basket of goods and services according to what you want to measure.
Inflation causes multiple factors, but in Venezuela the most prominent is demand inflation, and inflation of production costs

It is presumed that the government has raised its foot a little on the accelerator in the monetary issue, but inflation continues to accelerate.

Is that the largest number of coins issued is coupled with a lower demand for bolivars, with the flight of money, and fewer and fewer goods offered, currently less is produced, and there is less importation of goods.

It is a lethal parasite that eats the heart of the homeland. More bolivars in circulation that people do not want, and coupled with this, less goods offered this can not end otherwise than with hyperinflation. That will continue according to the experts to the extent that the Government does not have fiscal discipline, with the BCV issuing to finance the treasury and, in addition, each time with fewer assets offered in the economy by the chain of errors of an outdated economic policy (example the control of change) that have paralyzed the national productive system.

In short, if the government does not reverse this situation, hyperinflation will accelerate to unsuspected levels.