irama (36)in #society • 6 years agoHARD CRISISJUDGE YOU THE PROVOCATIVE SPEECH OF SOCIALISM AND COMMUNISM IS NOT MORE THAN A TRAP TO ACCESS WEALTH BY THOSE WHO…irama (36)in #entropia • 6 years agoPEMONEl chamán sube a la loma, siente el viento en su cara, achitum sopla fuerte y peina la paja que cubre la inmensidad de…irama (36)in #entropia • 6 years agoSITUACION COMPLEJAHola amigos steemians, ante las muertes y la capacidad del estado criminal dirigido por Nicolás Maduro para perseguir…irama (36)in #cervantes • 6 years agoFARISEOFARISEOOOOO Presidrnte de la Cruz Roja en Venezuela busca hacerse con ayuda humanitaria Venezuela es el foco de las…irama (36)in #entropia • 6 years agoLA VENEZUELA ACTUALHola amigos steemians, quisiera compartir con ustedes algunas apreciaciones acerca de la dinamica politica y social de…irama (36)in #spanish • 6 years agoAVENTURAS DE NIÑEZNací en una familia de mineros del carbón, pobres, de padre francés y madre indígena, soy el mayor de muchos niños…irama (36)in #busy • 6 years agoINDIGNATIONHello steemians friends, in today's post I want to argue my indignation about how the government lies to all the…irama (36)in #busy • 6 years agoEVERY INCOME COMES MORE INFLATIONHello steemians friends, they say, that hell is full of good intentions; It is not known who advises the President to…irama (36)in #busy • 6 years agoUNEQUALHello steemians friends, several times I have seen the need to answer this question, does Maduro make fun of us? I…irama (36)in #busy • 6 years agoSILENCEHello steemians friends, during the last bloody military dictatorship in Argentina, when the protests for the…irama (36)in #busy • 6 years agoADVENTUREI was born into a family of coal miners, poor, of French father and Indigenous Mother, I am the oldest of a lot of…irama (36)in #busy • 6 years agoDaydreamingHi steemians, I want my dog to teach me how to be a friend the way he is with me ... I wish that all the captive…irama (36)in #busy • 6 years agoEDUCATION IN VALUESHello steemians friends, there is no education without value, but what is a value? More specifically, what do we mean…irama (36)in #busy • 6 years agoTECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTHello friends steemians, in Latin America and the Caribbean, the technological developments have twists and turns…irama (36)in #busy • 6 years agoEXAGGERATED FESTEJOHello steemians friends, if someone has the opportunity to read or reread, the speech that Chávez offered on November…irama (36)in #busy • 6 years agoECONOMIC DISASTERHi steemians friends, without having to resort to deep analyzes that allow to build conclusions, the stories that…irama (36)in #games • 7 years agoOLYMPIC GAMESHello steemians friends, the mercantilist voracity in the Olympic Games has gradually been prostituting and…