in #busy6 years ago
Hello steemians friends, it will be a gigantic avalanche ...

Transformed into millions of people disgusted by so much suffering, who want to leave our world ...

Some say that the Apocalypse has arrived ...

Others point to the strange ships, like the 7 riders of the Last Judgment ...

Many pray to God, for thinking, that it was he who commanded ...

And millions say they are extraterrestrials ...


(...) They say that everything began when the emissaries who sent our planet, reported the reigning barbarity on our planet:

My lord, from the beginning of his creation ...

They have supposedly the most intelligent animals for humans, as slaves forever ...

Where they always swear to them of a supposed abolition, and they only make up more of the same and fool them forever again ...

While another of the envoys recounted before the incredulous look of the possible boss, things unlikely for them:

Yes, Lord, hard to believe that 99% of humans are enslaved for only the remaining 1% ...

Only that tiny minority enjoys the delicacies of such a beautiful planet ...

They change their ways after prudential times, for more of the same ...
Black slaves at the beginning ...

After the greed of that 1%, I calculate that with new ways, you could enslave all the races and win much more, for something they call greed ...

At the beginning they brought them from other continents, they worked for them, and they gave them house, food and took care of the sick ...

Then they talked about abolition ...

Where the supposed proposal (deception) was ...

Pay them miserable salaries, where they must pay themselves (slaves) food and medical care and sell them rooms to live, that with their wages never pay them off ...

Yes, Sir, that Machiavellian 1%, they got rid of their old expenses and now they have to pay for everything! your very slaves !!

Yes, my Lord, they are deceived eternally, they speak of dictatorships, of monarchies, of totalitarianism, of democracy, of the left, of the right, center right, center left ...

They invent wars, world wars, regional wars, to kill each other, where they always have the utmost care that only slaves are killed ...

When they pretend more because their greed does not let them sleep ...

They invent something called Crisis, where slaves always pay them ...

They invented borders ...

They invade them, kill them, exterminate them !! ...

It is so much greed and selfishness that they charge, that they want absolutely everything for them Lord ...

Because they could give them good homes, excellent food and a medium happiness, but at the same time continue being their slaves ...

They have a society that politicians call the most important servile of that 1%, where they are only concerned with serving the exploiters and amassing wealth for themselves and their future generations, who dominate the slaves with lies ...

My lord, the ships will not be enough, everyone wants to leave.

We have arrived unusually to the majority of countries, their citizens no longer have the right to choose.

In Chile it has just been published by an English journalist, that the supposedly flourishing southern economy, is the result of state policies very similar to the gringo years of slavery of the black race.

In Venezuela a shameful struggle for power, between those who intend to stay and those who want to reach it, while the whole country cries out for solutions that seem not to be of real interest

In the Middle East they invaded and destroyed the right of their inhabitants to live in peace, plunging them into genocidal and civil wars, destroying entire generations of human beings

And that at the same time, when they try to flee from this barbarism, they are arrested and forced to drowned in the Mediterranean

My Lord, the ships will not be enough, everyone wants to leave ...