Voluntary blood donation. What do you understand about voluntary blood donation?

in #busy7 years ago

Many young people ask: "What is blood donation? Is voluntary blood donation? "
Humanitarian blood donation is one of volunteer activities that attracts a lot of young people, especially the students. Every year, many volunteer blood donation programs are organized and attract a large number of participants.15965609_1761088787543924_7546586430100002462_n.jpg
What is blood donation? Do voluntary blood donations?

Blood donation is the act of sharing your blood to others in order to increase the amount of blood provided to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment for patients, in addition to disaster prevention.

Blood donation is good for blood, reducing the risk of blood transfusion such as HIV / AIDS, hepatitis B, C, syphilis, malaria ... because donors are really healthy people.

Humanitarian blood donation or voluntary blood donation is a noble act of the whole society.
The meaning of humanitarian blood donation

"A drop of blood - a life to live in," said a whisper of love, affection and deep sharing. Voluntary blood donation is a very respectful and necessary work in society, expressing the communication of "trafficking as a pity" of the nation. Therefore, we need to promote more propaganda and education of compassion and love for all people so that people can understand the work of voluntary blood donations from which there is awareness and action. Extreme in propaganda and participation in response.
Have you ever Voluntary blood donation yet?
I am Linh. This year I am 21 years old, I have voluntary blood donation 3 times. Let me tell you about my first voluntary blood donation.
I'm afraid of needles and fear of pain. And also the first time voluntary blood donation so I'm very nervous. When I was on the bench, I was going to go home because I saw the needle quite loudly. But I have seen better by the volunteers beside me. By the time the doctor inserted the needle into my flesh, I began to feel pain and quite afraid.25352010_1951499421836192_2589376813348124944_o.jpg
I was a volunteer to capture that moment.
Open my eyes, the needle is fixed in my hand. At that time, I was less afraid, more stable spirit. think about every time i voluntary blood donation can save at least 3 people that i feel very happy. I am happy that I have done something useful, and especially that my blood drops can save someone.
Then I joined the blood club, I want myself more dynamic, can do more useful things. Yesterday I organized the voluntary blood donation program. and were 339 voluntary blood donation. Being a volunteer, I feel very happy and grateful for the 339 heroes.
do you see where i am? :))
Blood and the need for blood in emergency, treatment is increasing, requires the close coordination, efficiency of all levels, branches, agencies, mass organizations in the propaganda and advocacy for offshore To raise the sense of responsibility for the community, for the sake of everyone in every individual in society. Donating blood voluntarily, saving the patient with his blood drops is a noble gesture, expressing the noble humanity, the voice of conscience, the human emotions with the people of society. Honor, especially become the cultural beauty in young youth union members. Voluntary blood donation not only to save the lives of patients today, but we have sowed countless seeds of compassion, love in life, beautiful beauty of traditional charity, the people's love Vietnamese family.
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