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RE: How To Make Soap Using Fresh Herbs Instead Of Essential Oil
I am done trying to prove myself to common trolls.
I will not bow to you guys.
If my drivers license, DD214, photos, awards and more do not proved to you that I served then nothing will.
The trouble with that is, that some overworked employee at the DMV - in some states - will take the word of the applicant as to their VA status.
If you dont have the bullets - ie DD214 - to fire back at the 'trolls' - concerned citizens of Youtube - then you should have not bought up your military service.
More lies and attempts at blatant misdirection! The question is not about your army service, it’s about your discharge status.
This article is about making soap.
Our homesteading has nothing to do with my military status.
By the way, I’m not a common troll. You yourself labelled me as a “hardcore” troll in a youtube comment.
we understand what the video was about but it was boring as hell so we aimed the conversation to where most of your viewers would be interested. Its a big turn off to find a channel you watch is a guy that was kicked out of the service and now claims they screwed him on a disability claim that never happened.
Show your DISCHARGE STATUS like you promised to. 'I will not bow' bullcrap you keep saying is not being asked. SHOW DISCHARGE STATUS from long form DD214 that you keep side stepping. You promised to do this weeks ago.
You're a vet. Yes. You PROMISED to provide a copy of your long form showing you are going back on that promise. I'm merely pointing out what is true, Troy. Maybe you don't want us to see what's in the long form.
And you guys still harass me and make claims against me.
I am done trying to convince you guys of anything.
So you changed your mind. You said you were going to get a copy of the long form. Kind of like you said you were going to show the finished battery box once the weather improved...two weeks ago. You changed your mind. That's cool. You do that a lot though. I'm curious, do you ever finish what you start and live up to any commitments? It would seem you're not very concerned about protecting your character. This why people say you lie.
@martingardner, Back in October, Reid promised to have new and exciting videos, fun, contests and giveaways, use the wireless microphone, have extra content and giveaways for the Patreon subscribers, show his military discharge info, have a friend fix the truck, prove a fire is burning in the wood stove, have fun and help us make money on Steemit, follow new people on Steemit, have how to videos on soap making and the Bedini build on the other failed channel.....
And what has Reid done that he promised.....NOTHING!
Not one thing!
I for one am becoming very disgruntled with this site. He lies and deceives us and to date all the money he promised us if we followed him here has never materialized. I feel used and abused
Your common trolls ARE your viewership. Who else could you be talking about?