How To Make Soap Using Fresh Herbs Instead Of Essential Oil

in #blog7 years ago

Making all natural soap at home using fresh garden herbs instead of the more expensive essential oils. When making soap, you generally need a lot of essential oil for each batch. This drives up the cost of your soap considerably.

We have an herb garden just loaded with fresh herbs and I figured I could just use the herbs instead of essential oil. What I did is to make a concentrated herbal tea out of the crushed fresh herbs.

I prepared my homemade soap as usual using my old time tested recipe. You can read the recipe here:

I usually double or triple the batch for larger quantities of soap. On our homestead we use our homemade soap for bathing, hand washing, laundry, dishes and more. It is very versatile and can be used anywhere a detergent or soap is needed. For laundry you just shave off some of the soap into the washing machine and wash as usual.

Many people say that using homemade soap to wash clothes gets them so much cheaner. You can try it for yourself.

I took the water quantity that I needed for the soap recipe and just put that into a blender with the fresh herbs. I blended the herbs up to a fine mush. Then I strained the tea to get the herbal solids out.

I used this herbal tea in place of water in my soap making recipe. It smelled so good while cooking down.

Later, just before you pour the soap into molds, you can put the solids back into the soap mixture and stir it in well. This gives you more of the herbal essence and some extra benefits of the whole herb as well. It also gives your soap some color and texture.

And that is all.

You can watch the video here:

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Not sure how this works Troy, But I am here letting you know I am replying to you on steemit. Hope all is well with Baby & wife

Hello. You got it right. I can read your comment. Happy to see you here. Thanks for joining.

We are all doing quite well, thank you. Michelle is so bright and alert. She is smiling and laughing now.

And now I will vote your comment up, earning you some money.

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let me explain how it works. You upvote troy and he benefits but you will get no upvotes from him. He asked us here to help him make money and it turns out the real reason was for HIM to make money. He does nothing for anyone but is a well known TAKER. Run from this toxic site if you want to make money.

! Love some natural DIY. Excellent!

Cool. Thanks for stopping by.

This turned out so good too :)

cool post...very fight club. hehe

One of these days I have thought about making soap but my thing is radio both on and off the air.

troy admitting he takes advantage of the elderly and advises others to do so as well:

troy admitting to taking advantage of elderly.jpg

So, you are saying, paying people money to help them out is a bad thing?

Finding someone who can use the money and renting from them is a bad thing?

So that is what you are saying there?

Very strange.

I do not see how giving people money is "taking advantage" of them.

Again you try to stir up hate against me Ryan.

Just go away.

you prey on the elderly because you know they need money and wont care if you break the laws. then when they do discover they are the ones getting fined for your crap you ditch and run away. you clearly state this.

Again, a situation where everyone benefits is always good for both parties.

When you rent an apartment or land, the owner always has to ensure it is registered properly.

The people I rented from were registered and well known in town.

They were friends with the board.

They were friends with the police.

There were well known and very popular in town.

So no, they did not get in trouble.

Nobody ever got fined for anything regardless of your claims.

I know you rant and rave that I was fined again and again through the years.

But the truth is Ryan, I always came clean of all the attempts you guys made at putting me away for crimes I did not commit.

And dont deny it.

Your claims are all over the internet.

trog your memory sucks. Remember your video saying you were being evicted? The code enforcement people paid a visit to the junkyard and you said your landlady was all upset and you had to find another place to live. She was obviously told the fines would be on her back not yours. Then for the rest of your stay you constantly claimed she was being harassed and she was old and should not be in the middle of that mess. Sounds like she was enjoying having you as a tenant. Then you took advantage of her and hauled in all that crap and made mountains of crap for her to clean up when you left. Its still all there. You said she was poor and you knowingly left her an expensive mess to clean up. We have laws protecting the elderly from abuse and you should be charged with elder abuse.

i will forever be here until you are in prison for your crimes. i will forever be here warning people about your fraud. i will forever ensure everyone knows the truth about you. and none of what i say is slander or libel or false and you dont have the balls to take me to court because you know i have proof and will win!

No Ryan.

I do not slander you.

I do not harass you.

I am not on your youtube channel

I am not on your blog.

You are harassing me.

You are all over the place harassing me.

I will not stoop to your level.

And we both know the reason I cannot sue you is that neither of us has any money.

im rich troy. you said so many times yourself. i own flat out my home and land. i make lots of money and am very wealthy compared to you. im not poor like you are. so come on and lets go to court or do you not have the balls to? im calling you out troy! take me to court and show this proof of yours... lets see who wins...

I never said you were rich.

I dont want anything to do with you.

I dont want to ever hear from you again.

Go away Ryan.

Just go away.

stop making excuses troy and take me to court with all your proof you have never shown before!

Again, I do not have money for court, which you know.

I want nothing to do with you.

Just go away.

So in today's YouTube DIY daily video, Mr. Reid claims he made a "portable generator box" with outlets for 12v and 120v power outlets.

Reid said its the first time he's had off grid power as he shows his cell phone being charged.

This admission proves Troy Reid LIED all year about being 95% Off Grid!

I saw that. Even his faithful followers saw the bullshit in his video and questioned him intensely on it. Well execpt for Rose who has to have her caregivers tell her when to poop and breathe and eat.

No. In todays article we talk about how to make homemade soap using fresh garden herbs.

trog you need to get your mommy to read your comments and help you respond. watertower clearly said IN TODAY'S YOU TUBE DIY daily video. Not a mention of your crappy soap on that video. Just most of your flock telling you everything is wrong with your little crap box. Rose was the exception but she is waiting for her spaceship to pick her up to do some Christmas shopping on the sun.

troy claims he is disabled and VA wont help him in first comment but then in second comment claims he has never claimed disability. which is it troy?:

My Disability.jpg

None of my homesteading videos or work have anything to do with my VA status. Get over it already.

So you claim I never served. So you turned many people against me.

Rejoice and move on.

I am done trying to explain myself.

This is my last and final word on the topic:

You said you were going to get a copy of your long form showing your discharge status, but never did. Another broken promise. It seems that's all you do...break promises. I'm shocked your own family hasn't disowned you. I'm sure you break promises to them all of the time.

I am done trying to prove myself to common trolls.

I will not bow to you guys.

If my drivers license, DD214, photos, awards and more do not proved to you that I served then nothing will.

The trouble with that is, that some overworked employee at the DMV - in some states - will take the word of the applicant as to their VA status.

If you dont have the bullets - ie DD214 - to fire back at the 'trolls' - concerned citizens of Youtube - then you should have not bought up your military service.

More lies and attempts at blatant misdirection! The question is not about your army service, it’s about your discharge status.

This article is about making soap.

Our homesteading has nothing to do with my military status.

By the way, I’m not a common troll. You yourself labelled me as a “hardcore” troll in a youtube comment.

we understand what the video was about but it was boring as hell so we aimed the conversation to where most of your viewers would be interested. Its a big turn off to find a channel you watch is a guy that was kicked out of the service and now claims they screwed him on a disability claim that never happened.

Show your DISCHARGE STATUS like you promised to. 'I will not bow' bullcrap you keep saying is not being asked. SHOW DISCHARGE STATUS from long form DD214 that you keep side stepping. You promised to do this weeks ago.

You're a vet. Yes. You PROMISED to provide a copy of your long form showing you are going back on that promise. I'm merely pointing out what is true, Troy. Maybe you don't want us to see what's in the long form.

And you guys still harass me and make claims against me.

I am done trying to convince you guys of anything.

So you changed your mind. You said you were going to get a copy of the long form. Kind of like you said you were going to show the finished battery box once the weather improved...two weeks ago. You changed your mind. That's cool. You do that a lot though. I'm curious, do you ever finish what you start and live up to any commitments? It would seem you're not very concerned about protecting your character. This why people say you lie.

@martingardner, Back in October, Reid promised to have new and exciting videos, fun, contests and giveaways, use the wireless microphone, have extra content and giveaways for the Patreon subscribers, show his military discharge info, have a friend fix the truck, prove a fire is burning in the wood stove, have fun and help us make money on Steemit, follow new people on Steemit, have how to videos on soap making and the Bedini build on the other failed channel.....

And what has Reid done that he promised.....NOTHING!

Not one thing!

Your common trolls ARE your viewership. Who else could you be talking about?

in comment one you claimed to be a disable veteran and in comment two you claimed not to be... so why wont you answer the question asked? your id does NOT answer the question asked...

It is quite clear Ryan.

I was hurt while serving.

But I never made a claim.

Very simple really.

Anyone can understand how simple it is.

If you were hurt why not make a claim?

so the second comment of you claiming you are not disabled is the lie then...

@fixedbydoc.............. lets not belittle the soft bone disease he contracted from sitting inside the irradiated armor of an abrahams a1 tank , never mind it has been proven over and over time and again the there is no way that radiation leakage from the armor isn't possible . The only soft bone diesease he has is cranial , he suffers from a soft skull that impaired his mental development when he was an infant and small child . HENCE WHY HE NEVER HAD ANY FRIENDS GROWING UP , ALWAYS HAD A HARD TIME INTERACTING WITH OTHERS , AND WAS MORE THAN LIKELY THE REASON HE ATTENDED A SOCIAL AND MENTAL DEVELOPMENTAL SCHOOL WHEN HE WAS A CHILD .

@jessiescott i sent a you copy of the video i made discussing the soft bones disease issue as well. i think you will enjoy the video because it is loaded with researchable facts...

I did not register for disability.

Different things Ryan.

not about you registering for disabilty troy. the first comment you claim you ARE disabled and in the second comment you claim you are NOT disabled. so which one is the lie? are you or are you not disabled because you made BOTH CLAIMS... you really need to learn to comprehend what you read better.

That was in response to such nonsense comments like you are writing now.

I never made any claims on video Ryan. You take things out of context.

I do not make any claims on my videos Ryan.

My videos are about homesteading.

Not about my VA status.

It has NOTHING to do with homesteading.

Now get off my blog.

Yes I understand. You filed a fraudulent claim and the VA saw right through it. It isn't lost it was tossed into the trash. I true veteran would not just take that for an excuse and walk away. But you want us to believe you were hurt sleeping with the chaplain in the love nest you built in the back of the hummer? No wonder they didn't believe you.

sounds like he did, it was reviewed and found to be fraudulent. Now he claims they lost the paperwork. Yeah that happens

went to the trouble of providing this pic but refuses to show a simple electric bill from last month to prove those damn trolls are wrong for saying he is not 95% off grid and soon to be 100% off grid and fully self sufficient.


A lot of Trog’s subs are dumber than he is.

@jackhoffman, Consider the source of the praise in your example. We are not dealing with the sharpest marbles.

Poor Rose, she has the IQ trog looks for when begging for toys or gifts. Word on the street is Rose once ate a box of rat poison to get rid of her intestinal mice she claims were making her itch.

here troy reid claims i have been to his home many times yet never has shown a shred of evidence proving so:


They <> You. Wrong again. I NEVER said you came to my house.

I NEVER gave you credit for personally coming to my place.

I NEVER said you would do that.

I always said you dont have the balls to come to my place.

Those are and have been my words.

You cant turn things around.

"they" are the people who think they are doing the world a favor by harassing us because some people say I never served in the military.

you claimed nonstop that doc was vandalizing your junkyard. Bad memory trog.

so the many videos of you claiming falsely that i came to your home were actually not you doing so? remember the tractor video where you claimed it was me who cut your wires but actually i was gone in virginia hiking the appalachian trail at the time? i have a copy of that one to... among many others. stop your lies troy you cant win when there is document proof of my claims.

There are no videos claiming that you came to my house Ryan.

I will publicly state the following:




Now it is in a huge banner form.

I never made any videos making any claims of you coming to my house.

Again, you try to turn people against me by twisting things around.

Go away Ryan.

Just go away.

i have the videos troy but if i upload them you will get my channel shut down for copyright but you can go see them over at the sucks forum...

send them to me ....... i will post them ........... with a disclaimer , if my channel gets shut down , big deal , i dont use it much anyway

@jessiescott i just copied to disc and will be mailed in a day or two...


Your sick and putrid edited versions of my videos are not wanted here.


speak for yourself. We your viewers want to see them. Bring them on Jessie

No thank you. I do not want to go to that den of vipers.

Its dark and nasty over there.

A group of unstable people looking or an innocent family to harass and destroy.

No, I am not interested.

A group of unstable people looking or an innocent family to harass and destroy.

Dick Head, You calling someone else "unstable"? Now that is a fucking Gem.

The World can see you guys harassing us and how determined you are to destroy our lives.

It is very clear now to anyone who looks.

[-]jessiescott (4) · 1 hour ago
@thediyworld ................. FUNNY THAT .......... you seem to be able to always come in contact with some very undesirable people to befriend you and help you . Shall we list them ??? LEE ......... known individual with extreme mental issues , makes video against doc , a false video , made to take down from you tube by law enforcement . DAVID HANSON ........ AKA TJ ....... known by you to be a convicted pedophile , see the irony there ?? LEE.... DAVID HANSON/TJ allowed by you to be out of state while on parole and also allowed to be around young children at you homestead knowingly . ANTHONY SCOTT WILLIAMS .......... known cult leader and accused pedophile ..... by your own admission the pastor of your church and completely innocent of all charges against him , yet the AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING COMPANY'S FOUR CORNERS DOCUMENTARY , which took 4 years to investigate and exposed him and the cult church CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLIES INTERNATIONAL , which by your own admission you belong to, just after you got back from your church work vacation to the cult compound in COFFS HARBOR AUSTRALIA in 2013 . Which leads us to last but not least ......TIMOTHY CAREY ....... a US AIRFORCE AIRMAN stationed at ALTUS AIRFORCE BASE in JACKSON COUNTY OKLAHOMA .......... CHARGED WITH MAKING BOMB THREATS AND POSSESSION OF BOMB MAKING MATERIALS ......... known to have sent you trip wires in PINEBUSH NEW YORK and admitted to doing so by you .. known to have visited you at your homestead in PINEBUSH NEW YORK and shown in your videos as being on the NY compound . ALL OF THESE INDIVIDUALS ARE ALL STAND UP CITIZENS OF THE SOCITIAL COMMUNITY FOR SURE ...AND WOULD NEVER EVER CAST A DARK SHADOW ACROSS YOU OR YOUR DOORSTEP BY YOUR AFFILLIATION WITH THEM . MAKES ME WONDER ....... with all of your expert electrionics and electrical knowledge , your self proclaimed military experience and love of fire arms ,including muzzle loading and black powder and afore mentioned friends ..... when can we expect your MANIFESTO ?????????? EVEN TED LIVED FAR DEEP IN THE FOREST

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I stayed off trog's little site here yesterday to see how much money he would make without my help. Looks like he needed me in the worst way. Us being friends an all he should have called and asked for my help. He has my # and it hasn't changed since he called asking for help with the chicken fence.

Ryan, you do often tell people that I never served no matter what type of evidence I show.

That is your part in things.

You sit behind the scenes.

I would NEVER give you the credit for doing anything yourself Ryan.

You dont have the balls.

the comments had NOTHING to do with whether you served troy. again you have no comprehension skills.
the comments are YOU claiming YOU were DISABLED in this first one then in the second one YOU claimed YOU never said that... they are PROVING you LIED about being DISABLED and the VA not helping you. LEARN TO READ!

I will try one more time Ryan.

I was hurt in the military.

I did not make a claim.

Simple really.

The VA cannot help me because my medical papers are lost.

I have said that so many times through the years.

But again, that has nothing to do with my homesteading videos Ryan.

My site is about homesteading.

NOT about my service.

Go away Ryan.

it does have to do with your sites when you use it to get sympathy for things that are not true.

YOU are the only one always talking about my veteran status Ryan.

I do not even want to talk about it.

I do not mention it in my videos other than to stop the harassment of me when people believe I never served.

My channel is about homesteading.

Everyone can see that I do not mention my VA status in my daily homesteading videos.

It is quite clear to all Ryan who is the one doing the harassing here.

@thediyworld LIAR I asked many times and you promised to show your DISCHARGE STATUS on your post showing your MI drvr license vet status. You could have obtained long form DD214 by now. YOU ARE HIDING LESS THAN HONORABLE STATUS. You lie and deceive to scam and con people of their money.

@thediyworld Since when does the military lose medical records? If you were really hurt, why didn’t you make a claim? Everything you say is tainted by the fact that you are a serial liar.

@thediyworld, A lot of people are saying You and family are NOT Living at the chalet or trailer now.

It appears that you are playing the same deceptive game as when you lived in the rental apartment in PineBush, and Not the tiny house on wheels.

The chalet is too small besides junking up the place like you usually do.

The Bedini wheel and a car battery on the dining table??
And you claim Melanie is ok with it??

BTW, your "daily video" today was really, really lame.
Giving up?

A lot of TROLLS are saying that.

We show videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

There is no reason to fake such a thing.

Your ideas are very strange.

Go away troll.

@thediyworld You don’t really make daily videos any more and the ones you do make are atrociously bad now, but you did pull that stunt in Pine Bush NY, pretending to live in the tiny shack in order to fool your supporters and keep the off grid fraud moving along.

Again with this "pretending" stuff.

Anyone in their right mind can see for themselves that we are not faking this stuff.

Do you think the soap in this article is fake?

Everything I do you call fake.

It shows how demented you really are.

I feel sorry for you really.

@thediyworld. There are plenty of reasons for you to fake such thingsss. That's how you remain unemployed pretending to be a solar homesteader that plays on the computer day and night heavily.

Everything you do and say says, "no way is person being 100% truthful and off grid".

BTW, I'm not a troll. YOU invited me to your fake homestead, to "end this, face to face, with open hands, but only,during the daytime", remember??
You wouldn't invite just anybody so they can "piss their pants", right Mr. Reid?

  1. I do not even know who you are.

  2. I anyone can see that what we show on our videos is real.

  3. I work very hard for my money while you guys work hard at destroying my income.

False, anyone with half a brain can see through the lies. Now your low IQ supporters - thats the few that believe you. Even all the fake new friends here on steemit refuse to come support you. Telling isn't it?

Because I have adsense I can go look at the remains of your abandoned DIY site and read the comments. You are not even fooling your gullible snowflakes, except Rose but then she eats her boogers so there's that. You are a failure even with your troy lovers, the ones that won't listen to your begging and come to steemit to upvote your comments so you can make a ton of money and they make zilch. I listened to you beg and came running over here to save you and you have not made me a fricken cent. I guess word gets around when you lie and deceive as you do.