Shake It UpsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog8 years ago

I'm going to BUTI yoga class today to practice dynamic yoga asanas...and to shake my boo-tay!! Sometimes the next step towards deepening your yoga practice isn't just more of the same thing. The solution to our struggles is not always just faster, harder, deeper of the same methods we know and love, but something else entirely! 🙌🏽✨


Sometimes we have to back up, shake our selves, and dance! Play! It can bring renewed perspective.

You know that thing in your life that you've been trying to overcome? That issue where you feel really stuck, and you keep banging your head on the same damn wall, over and over again trying to get through it? Sometimes if we take a break and step back we can see there's been a doorway through, all along, and only a few feet away. Now that it is seen we could easily...just walk right through to the other side! But we can't see the door if we just keep our foreheads pressed against the wall banging away.

Step back.

Look around.

Shake (and shimmy) it off.

Gain perspective...

...and then walk through the door ways that are opening for you. 🙏🏽


you are so beautiful sean king is too lucky :) my precious lady :) i hope you remember me and forgive me again for that nipple comment i am so sorry


Had a wonderful interaction this morning with the BUTI teacher, by the way. Just wanted to tell you! She took a few minutes and was super helpful with my chataranga even though she was supposed to be getting the place ready to open. I appreciated her!

Yes Carrie is wonderful. I'm so glad our paths crossed with hers, and glad for your feedback! :)

Beautifully said... and illustrated ;-) Very much the transition from XII (feeling stuck) to XIII (Transformation) in Tarot :-)

What google found to help me:

"12 The Hanged Man – Surrender, new perspective, enlightenment

13 Death – The end of something, change, the impermeability of all things"

Yes...! Thank you for your support and perspective Reinhard. 💙

Will reply more thoroughly to comments in a while… Maybe a couple of days. Busy tonight and tomorrow Moving my 20 year old son into an apartment a couple of hours away. Lots of big life transitions this year!

Phew... lots of transition going on for sure. In my "Temple of the Secrets", the structure takes a turn at this point... not sure if it makes sense, what I'm trying to say. The whole 15x45ft thing stood there in a U-shape, and at this position, there is an angle...

Tried to keep my comment as short as possible... good thing we have google ;-)

Alrighty, won't bother you then. Good luck with the move and everything else. Remember how I took our son (he's actually my wife's, but sorta feels like mine too) to study in Austria..

Your comments are never a bother. I delight in them and only wish I had more hours in the day to fulfill all my responsibilities as well as to respond and correspond here more!

Interesting that your structure makes a turn, or an angle, between 12 & 13. Was that intentional, intuitive or just randomly required for the display to fit in the space?

I just googled your temple to see if could see this angle in the structure. Instead of images of the big structure I just got lots of results showing the cards and so I looked over them. I wasn't aware they were being displayed to me in any order. The one that really called to me for a closer look and appreciation was blue with a man upside I zoomed in. only after appreciating the artistry of the image for a moment did I realize I had selected number 12. 😆 Of course, right?!

Yes, time is the biggest problem here, for me too.

I thought you had seen the "temple" in my posts about the tarot cards, it was inside a former chapel. Here is a picture (it was actually never completely finished):


I tried to have the corners in positions, where I saw the biggest turning points.

It seems our senses are often tuned to be particularly sensitive towards things which are the most relevant in our lives. No wonder that card popped out at you. I actually never called it the hanged man, as I find that misleading, when one is not familiar with the underlying mythology.

I chose a different term, which is hard to translate "Prüfung"... something like a test, but in a sense of initiation... I also include the aspect of "Sacrifice", in a sense of letting go of old habits or even things, we cling to, but often they only hold us down.

Thanks for sharing this image of the structure in it entirety. You're right, I had seen it before. Only I didn't search back through your page to find it but tried to google search for it when and instead I found the individual cards.

I find so many people, myself included at times, get stuck in this stage. Habits or things we cling to...intuitively knowing the next big step in life only comes by letting go of the old ways, and yet we are so scared and remain clinging and stuck there.

Its hard to find something one wants to look at in a post from some time ago. I wish there was a better search built in here.

A really handy tool is this:

If you haven't found it already. You can add anyone's username and find all the pictures that person posted here on steemit. Even go to the related post from there.

Checked yours and I see, I still have a lot to explore 😎

Letting go is always the hardest part. Things we are used to give a sense of security, even when they are a source of unhappiness...

Am working on my Friday's Tarot post right now... the High Priestess. Curious how you will feel about her.

Are you finished with your son's move? Hope all went well and he likes hid new place.

That is really handy tool! Thank you for sharing that :-)

We finished with phase 1 of our son's move. The bed and the couch and the big furniture. school doesn't start for another 10 days, so I would like to go back next week and visit with him, helping clean and set up more… Mothering and helping him nest.

The work seems to never be done though. next I have to work on my own move. Cleaning out, boxing up, letting go.

Still working on my reply to your comment on "all of me." My delay is not because it's not important, but again because of the magnitude of you shared is so meaningful and impactful to me. Trying to put all of it in the words…

Wonderful post hon... I upvote and follow you 😊😊😊

BUTI, like in booty? Nice wordplay and nice buti:) Yoga dance sounds cool:)

Very good post, well done!

Beautiful! What's your opinion on twerk? :D


Whatever makes you happy. :)

That's a better shake than Dairy Queen serves :p Looks like we're both busy moving kids out. So far, mine has practiced moving while raiding Dad's fridge each time to insure food was there each morning. :P

Thanks honey! 😁😆 I hear ya. Mine can't come raid the fridge often as he's a bit far away. Besides I don't mind that...I think it is a mother thing. We, or at least I, LOVE to feed my kids. Me feeding them, feeds something in me.

Agreed. I am the same way. Really hate to see her leave. I guess that is common. Just trying to make sure she is always safe. She is excited. She just finished her cosmetology courses and went to 2 salons to get an application, and both offered her a position.

Girl, I love this again 🌻🌻🌻

That wall looks like it's about to open up...
break free.. dance..
shake that negative energy ..

You are right..
I am guilty of thinking too hard,to the point my mind hurts,trying to come up with why I am feeling a certain why, or why I am analizing a situation to be left with no resolve.. to much time 'playing' it out in my head.. instead of 'playing' it out in my soul...
I should let go, laugh, dance , stand back and let the answer come to me..
Thanks for today's invigorating message x

I hope you had the most wonderful experience there xxx

I did. It was fun. Energizing mentally and physically, but tiring at the same time. I loved seeing my teacher very comfortable shaking it up front, very comfortable in her own skin. And I got to experience how infectious that it to those around someone being true to who they are! Also learned that my present comfort zone is in the old traditional poses that I know and love. That I think I'm flowy and good at movement, but only in movement between static poses that I know. BUTI challenges you to dance between the poses. To shimy and shake it in downward dog...that was fun but not natural yet for me. Ive been a bit stiff for so long that it's hard to just drop old ways and shake it all about with joy and abandon. This class was like therapy for me and I'm going every week to expand my comfort zone.

you look like such a natural, I didn't realize that there was so many different ways the movements can transform even further!!! I see there is even more flow within the flow!
Maybe when you expand and feel comfortable & evolve even further into the movement you will post a video :]- I can imagine the both the photography and how you move would be stunning xxx

How brilliantly worded ... there is Flo even within the flow. ✨ I think posting video would be a really good challenge for me. I'm comfortable with stillness for images because then I can choose just the right moment, control how I look, edit it even if I need to… But movement is closer to reality. To life and living. I can't edit that shit because it just is… Thank you for the complements and the suggestion 🙏🏽

I bet no matter what way- perfection :]


Hope you had a good time during the class.