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RE: Shake It Up

in #blog8 years ago

Girl, I love this again 🌻🌻🌻

That wall looks like it's about to open up...
break free.. dance..
shake that negative energy ..

You are right..
I am guilty of thinking too hard,to the point my mind hurts,trying to come up with why I am feeling a certain why, or why I am analizing a situation to be left with no resolve.. to much time 'playing' it out in my head.. instead of 'playing' it out in my soul...
I should let go, laugh, dance , stand back and let the answer come to me..
Thanks for today's invigorating message x


I hope you had the most wonderful experience there xxx

I did. It was fun. Energizing mentally and physically, but tiring at the same time. I loved seeing my teacher very comfortable shaking it up front, very comfortable in her own skin. And I got to experience how infectious that it to those around someone being true to who they are! Also learned that my present comfort zone is in the old traditional poses that I know and love. That I think I'm flowy and good at movement, but only in movement between static poses that I know. BUTI challenges you to dance between the poses. To shimy and shake it in downward dog...that was fun but not natural yet for me. Ive been a bit stiff for so long that it's hard to just drop old ways and shake it all about with joy and abandon. This class was like therapy for me and I'm going every week to expand my comfort zone.

you look like such a natural, I didn't realize that there was so many different ways the movements can transform even further!!! I see there is even more flow within the flow!
Maybe when you expand and feel comfortable & evolve even further into the movement you will post a video :]- I can imagine the both the photography and how you move would be stunning xxx

How brilliantly worded ... there is Flo even within the flow. ✨ I think posting video would be a really good challenge for me. I'm comfortable with stillness for images because then I can choose just the right moment, control how I look, edit it even if I need to… But movement is closer to reality. To life and living. I can't edit that shit because it just is… Thank you for the complements and the suggestion 🙏🏽

I bet no matter what way- perfection :]
