Ø26: Saving the world

Øutput 26
Sometimes I wonder why I do anything ...
But then I get an email from out of nowhere. A question, a comment, a blanket statement. Somebody somewhere has read/seen/listened to and liked something I've written. Not only that but they're going through a difficult time at the minute. Life's been harsh. They found the art they were able to escape into it ... not forever, but long enough.
Long enough for them to get themselves out of their head.
Long enough for them to get a fresh perspective on their lives.
And long enough for us to make a connection through the art I made and the art they're consuming.
I know that sometimes, when you're at home, in a café, under your office desk, wherever, and you're doing your best to create something - a book, film, comic - it can sometimes feel like you're wasting your time, but you're really not, because eventually you're going to connect. You're going to reach someone.
Even if you only reach them for a minute, even a few seconds, it's still worth it.
On the flip-side, if you've ever consumed some art and you've found something inside of it that resonated with you, then drop the artist an email or even a tweet. There's a good chance you'll be saving them from a world of torment too.
What I'm reading: London: The Biography and Deeper Than The Grave.
What I'm watching: Black Books
What I'm listening to: This MASSIVE writing playlist
A new story idea every single day.
Check out the previous ideas here
IDEA 128: Another Dot Flux one. I'm seriously considering writing some longer work with the character so I just want to bank some ideas with him.
Dot Flux, Legendary Time-Clocker is halfway between Emmett Brown and Rumplestiltskin. He's a rainbow-skinned elven creature from the extraverse. He dresses like a victorian gentleman and travels via his time machine, the Yeastease. Never trust Dot Flux!
I think I would like to see a story where humans are discovering the mechanisms of time travel. They're starting to make giant breakthroughs.
Scientist, David Hoth, is leading the charge. And he's making breakthroughs left, right ,and centre. All in his basement!
But when his first practical time travel test works and he sends an apple through time it disturbs something in the extaverse. It's not long before Dot Flux arrives. He tells David that he'll help him in his research, advance him along thirty years in minutes, but all he has to do, is give Dot Flux his wife.
Profits made from this blog will go right into my ramen fund. Any more will go right into any future storytelling projects.
Oo oo ... go grab a free book!
just finished your last book in Brazil now back in planet London having travelled back in time but bed first before. downloading the next instalment from Amazon
Wow that's awesome to hear, Dave. I hope you enjoyed it. I have to say I had a lot of fun writing Moomamu. Actually, I kinda liked writing Aidan Black a little more.
I enjoyed reading it very much, I would wonder what Moomamu would make of our constant chatter about the weather, because its bloody cold in Hounslow. I can still taste the cold coconut milk yet don't understand why Brazilians love cheese in everything, they also have some fine coffee but have not worked out how to make a cappuccino without powdered gunk in it and don't get me started on what happens when you ask for an English tea or coffee.
"Weather? A hurricane here and there, sure, but this isn't weather. The great shifting tides of space radiation and waves of solar rays that would burn your flesh right off your bones. Now that's weather!" Moomamu said as a cool breeze passed over his bare skin. "It is a bit cold though. Anybody have a jumper?"
ahh LOL
good project!