Blogging Around Day 61: Copypasta Re-GrumpyCat Drama
Re Edit:
Thanks to @GrumpyCat, the censorship has ended.
Which provides better support?
This made me laugh my ass off and closes the drama in a nicely tied bow.
Sigh, Welcome To Your Typical SteemIt Drama
I'm copypasta this from a comment thread I had with GrumpyCat because why not, spent enough time writing it so might as well make a post about it. Enjoy some drama folks!
Be sure to grab your popcorn too!
<===== Comment One =====>
Hey @GrumpyCat!
I don't know if you know of SneakyNinja and Kusari's campaign to attack you, but in Kusari's introduction post, I gave a reasonable case as to why bid bots are bad. It wasn't in support of you, nor was it against you. It was entirely neutral. However, Michael David decided to flag the comment because it contradicted his political agenda to undermine you.
I encourage you to read my comment here. Here are some of the flags Michael gave me. The comment was the top comment with 69 voters before he had his censorship raid.
<======= Comment Two ========>
Thanks for such a quick response!

As most political stuff on steemit comes, it is a heap of a mess. So I hope you don't mind a little lengthy comment because I prefer being as fully thorough in providing the entirety of the situation and the background behind his vindictive and childish flags. I hope you are patient with me as I give you the full picture, but I think you can agree that excluding significant details would be damning. I hope in exchange for your time in reading this situation, I can keep you a little entertained with the music below 👇👇👇.
Disclaimer: I will likely create a post with this comment; one of Michael's criticism was I copypasta a post in the comments which if you take a glance at SteemWorld or Steemd it is obvious that I wrote the comment before the post. I spent three hours writing the comment which others appreciate, so why wouldn't I turn it into a post???

So How did All This Start?
Michael announced in the #Alliance Discord that he would be creating a companion account to sneaky-ninja that would fight against @grumpycat theft. Obviously theft caught my attention so I DMed him asking about it and he basically said flagging + self voting = theft. I said the link was weak. After a bit, I mentioned in the server that I wanted to debate him over bid bots and he agreed.

I even prepared him!
Through DMs, it was obvious that he wasn't ready for a logical debate, rather he wanted to sling mud, be hyperbolic, and give the sheeple exactly the kind of talking points they want to hear to get them to turn against you (cough cough look on the reply bot below 👇👇👇). So, as a multi year debater, I realized it wouldn't lead to a productive debate and I drafted him an outline for a debate as you can see 👉.
Debate Time!
Then it came time for the actual debate and we had a somewhat decent debate but it got muddled with other commenters. I don't want to screencap the entire thing so I tagged you in it and you can find it here. Like I said, it wasn't a terrible debate but it did get off the rails as commenters came a board and Michael started shilling the shit out of his bid bots. So I decided to spend three hours cleaning up the debate and provide a super strong case against bid bots. Allegedly, because I demolished all his points, he didn't want to debate the top comment on his post and he used sock puppet accounts, his main account, and his bid bot accounts to demonitize it and hide it. Mind you, he intentionally waited until the last day of post to flag it so that I couldn't rebuy votes to overcome his censorship. He engages in the same bull shit he accuses you of and this shows why he obviously doesn't care about his arguments, he just wants to make a political stance against you so that he can gain popularity within the steemit ecosystem.
Thank You So Much For Reading!

Uncalled for.
Great information. This is useful post
Another Steem Battle and another Master Debator. :) lol

What can I say? I'm a lifelong debater. I even Winston Churchilled him
It was stunning.
It's just frustrating when someone agrees to a debate, is given an outline to their case, I spend three hours consolidating a case, then he just turns around and uses his own bid bots to censor the very debate he agreed to doing.
lol, all the - he said she said stuff and the text was tiny. For future reference, I need drama in a larger font. :)
You can get into similiar arguments with some of them anarchists here. Here is plenty of me-me rich now because I made a good post, no one just knows that except "Me & Whiners Band", I do nothing wrong never, rich people evil, me should be rich no matter how many yews go to gas-chamber.
I'm a little confused what this is in response to
That anarchist part is irrelevant. Part after that is representing mind-set that I have seen from few people who got flagged. For some people community and support means that they them selfs make money. Fun part is that those people oftenly make 1-3$ on average from their posts, which is much better than nothing, and more than I make.